The Most beautiful Miles


Charter Member
Ted Cook has just released the M9 Kestrel (fore runner of the Master) for FS9

In my mind , it was always the most beautiful Miles built.

(its available at Teds website and the The Pond)

Thanks for the HU, RyDraiggoch. The Kestrel doesn't look bad. However personally I like the simplicity from the Magister more.

That looks like something that was designed on bar napkins at Happy Hour but I like it too. :) So it's a Miles, what's the model name?

The Miles M39B ‘Libellula’ was designed in 1943 by the infamous George Miles as what he saw as the ideal configuration for a carrier-based, high speed, lightly armed, high altitude bomber, he ultimately failed to convince the Ministry of its superior design and it never progressed beyond the one experimental aircraft

The actual M39b (‘Libellula’ — named after the generic name for the dragonfly) was infact a 5/8ths scale 'manned' flying model of a much larger design. This larger aircraft would probably have been powered by 3 turbojets, but these were very much in their infancy at the time. It wasn't exactly a ‘tail first’ design, but a ‘tandem wing’ configuration, with both wings contributing to the aerodynamic ‘lift’ and both fitted with flaps. The M39b was powered by two Gypsy Major engines, three fins, (though the central one does look like a quick design afterthought!), a retracting undercarrige and space for one pilot. It was regularly flown by the great test pilot Eric 'Winkle' Brown during the aircrafts days at the RAE and he has often written about how nice and conventional the aircraft was to fly! (
) The aircraft was broken up at the end of the '40's when The Miles Aircraft Compnay went into liquidation


Should anyone wish to see it the full build "thread" can be found here.,49425.0.html
Sorry I missed the links

I figured most folks know Uncle Ted's address and the Ponds as well

Trying to persuade Gary Jones to modify his Rolls Royce Kestrel sound set

to feature a three bladed constant speed prop now. it already has the radiator whistle.

Hub/Bill -- I don't know why I have such an affinity for the Kestrel, the first time I saw pictures

of it was when a small boy, in my fathers library (probably around 1958-59) My father had

Cutaway books from Aeroplane published before World War 2 and obviously Miles held great

hopes for the Kestrel - I always thought it should be armed and something that Biggles flew.


The Libeulla's center fin was added after its first flight due to a marked tendency to dutch roll......the full size bomber would have been a monster. and far ahead of its time.
Sorry to bump this up again, However Gary Jones (maker of sound files extraordinaire)
has just put up a modification of his Rolls Royce Kestrel sound file specifically for
Uncle Ted's Miles M9 Kestrel - it features gear and flap sounds and of course a beautiful
variable pitch prop sound.
its available now at (in the library)

Thank you all for the Kestrel--I just got v.2 with the upgraded soundpack and I will say it is a wonderful cacophony of ear-candy. Looks-wise it is gorgeous--with the number on the side it screams 1930s long-distance racer--something we would see in a late-'30s version of the MacRobertson air race. :ernae:
NSS and Sundog -- David Molyneaux (builder of myriads of Austers) also built a Messenger for Fs9.

May I suggest you go to -- open the search engine in the library and
type in Miles -- you will be surprised what appears....

The family lineage can be seen through the Master prototype, before they moved the radiator it is more obvious.

View attachment 13370View attachment 13371


PS. Matt one is CFS2 rebuild we did of Uncle Teds whilst I added a few variations. -->here<--
PPS. Shiny one was my attempt to bring her into FS9, never got it to work right, sorry. (only had permission from Ted for CFS2 conversion anyway)
The biggest change to the prototype Master was the redesigned tail group with the Kestrel turning that three bladed CS prop I would be fairly certain the P factor must have been quite
fierce. The relocation of the radiator was more likely a CG thing rather than aerodynamics.
The M9 Kestrel was built as a racer/tourer rather than a trainer. But as usual P&P got it right
and it made an excellent advanced trainer in the Master.

In any case it holds a place in my heart and I thank "Uncle" Ted and Gary Jones for teaming up
and producing her.

Funny Obio, I have that page bookmarked, was looking for it last night, the odd name threw me and I didn't find it in my myriad of bookmarked pages.
