The never ending problem (unfit for the impatient)


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Hello, I would like to introduce myself, name's Ed for real, I have been doing repainting for HJG since 2006 and other things including some testing and support for payware products in a limited basis.

The reason I am here today is, to ask on how to solve an issue that is pretty annoying for any simmer, about a month ago I had my sim running with a certain anti-aliasing setting by default with the Nvidia Control panel, also I decided to use Inspector but, due to my lack of knowledge and understanding on the subject at that time I decided not to tamper with it, and the drivers that I had installed were 306 ones. After that I decided it was time to tackle the issue and try to get better graphics out of my card. I came across several guides specially Nicks's one, after some battling and trying drivers 340.52 gave me the results that I never expected, crisp, nice graphs, no stuttering nor jaggies... and if there were any my eye could not detect them for real, all of this under the 8xS setting. I must note that when this happened my settings on the NVIDIA Control panel were active too, contrary to what Nick's guide suggest...... Unfortunately, after 2 weeks of joy.... I started to have black screens and other issues like black checkered boxes when a video was playing or the camera was being used, I had no option than uninstalling 340.52 and look for another drive, not without first taking the precaution of having screen shots of my settings to re apply them when needed.

I do not need to say that despite my precautions and applying Nick's and even others guides, there has not been any chance to get back to that setting I achieved and to make it worse.... the performance on the sim has dropped, specially when on heavy weather and most specifically foggy weather. I have a fresh Windows install and I am running the sim on the bones, no ad-dons except planes to do "bench-marking" and compressed cloud textures to save resources.

I hope that anybody is able to give me hand with this problem, since I have just reached the limit of both my patience and knowledge despite the kind attempts of folks at HJG and Calclassic, there has not been any improvement. Tests for hardware have been done, specially the memory tests and video card ones, I even searched for any physical damage and nothing was found, the same for my hard drive.

Thanks in Advance

My specs:

Windows 7 64 bit SP1
AMD FX-6100 3.30 GHZ
Samsung Sync Master 2243NW 22'



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Now, it's been awhile since I had Nvidia card, but something is reminding me you have to
edit registry settings as the default nvidia profiles are set to override everything unless disabled in registry.

Take a look in tweeks and tips thread....Oh and weird black boxes is a sign of overheating of your pc or
Card. Try opening box and giving it a clean out.



Thanks for the answer, what you refer as to edit the registry settings is related to those posts from member "Kurt190"?, I did try to follow but there were no such entries in my registry. Sincerely I have no idea on what to do anymore.... The other possibility is that my monitor is messing around, I always use it in windowed mode, but funny enough on "extended" windowed mode I also get a performance decrease on FPS but, if I minimize or make the window smaller in size the FPS will remain totally stable at 60 and even 70 FPS despite how heavy the weather is and how resource hungry aircraft I use. I just cannot believe this pesky thing is becoming a real frustration and not a hobby......


One more thing I forgot, has anyone seen a certain setting in NInspector by the name "AA_MODE_METHOD_SUPERVCAA_32X......"?, I used to have that previously in my choices and did use it for a long time even if it was not the greatest but, now it is not there, just 64X?. I am really lost.