The Next Great "WWII Game"/You Make It


Charter Member
After seeing some good posts by you Gents,and keeping the board a little more interesting,thought I would throw this one your way.

What would be the next WWII "Dream-Game" you would absolutley like
to see come to life? Would you just keep it air-simulator?,or would you
add ground and naval also? What company would you want to make
your game?

I had one all thought up after my two boys got me playing with "WoW"
for a short time. It was alot like WoW. You first created your character,chose your country,then branch of service,including 2 specialties. Instead of horses and weird flying beasts you get the planes,tanks and ships.The really great thing,you dont "buy" them. Afterall why would you,...the government owns them!.....could be a rank thing though. No fresh-outta-basic gets to just hop in a tank now.
I'd like to see a game similar to America's Army, where you start out in basic training and then move through realistic training scenarios and on to combat missions. For the WWII theme I'd like to see a package that starts you out as an aviation cadet. You could choose USAAC or Navy, then choose a fighter/attack track or bomber/transport track. You would begin flying a J-3 in the Civilian Pilot Training Program for a few lesson/flights, then continue with flights in Stearmans, then the AT-6 Texan or AT-11, and then contimue on your choosen track flying P-51s or B-17/B-24 etc. The game would be very much like FSX with training flights and missions to choose from. Flights would be conducted from actual training fields and combat theaters.

It would be great if you could walk around and into different buildings like in Driver3 (my sons game) and visit the briefing room, hangars, and officers club...cheers!
Here's what I would want.

My dream WWII game would still be a flight sim, but here's the thing

The CFS series were designed with total historical accuracy and simulation variables to be as accurate as possible, to be as close as the real thing without sitting in a real plane. The problem with this is that dogfights are brief, kinda boring, and waaay to easy for the normal handheld controller gamer. Us flight simmers who actually use 100% realism know that dogfighting is a game of skill, strategy and nerve. To be perfectly honest, ground attack missions just arent that hard, unless you are being smother with ack-ack, which, if you know the pattern that the AI flak fires in, can easily be avoided. This has ultimatley led to an unsucessful series of games with the general public, although in my eyes, the CFS series are absolutley outstanding. (I like CFS2 better than CFS3 Alone, but the ETO expansion pack is rocking my socks!!!) but either way they are more than just a video game.

The WWII game that I would have, the dogfights would be wild furballs with dozens of planes from opposing forces. The game would be more challenging, and ground attack missions would be done while being chased by enemy fighters (its happened to me before, believe me, its so intense!!) The campaign wouldn't be a living map, as a living map sacrifices an actuall story. There would be a specific campaign and movies, so characters are introduced, with development just like any story, much like the Call of Duty Series. The game would have multiple campaigns however, each on a seperate disk like

Disc 1-Western Front-similar missions to CFS3 only with a storyline
Disc 2-Pacific Theater-similar missions to CFS2 with a storyline
Disc 3-North africa and Eastern front missions

Each disc would have a seperate campaign and different planes. And the amount of files that acutally go on YOUR hard drive would be minimal. If such a game would be made in the future, the game could possible on more advanced DVD's with more memory capacity so less files go on the hard drive for the PC version

Of course what game could be complete without...

Dozens of aircraft, from all nations, including dive bombers, fightes, medium and heavy bombers, jets, and recon planes.
Amazing Graphics and Performance
An immersive campaign with an interesting story and characters that you can see develop throught whole campaign
Diverging, so there are several different outcomes to the campaign, but not as extensive as CFS3
A mission builder

I feel that a game like this would get outstanding notice from the public, because to be honest, I'm the only person I know that likes WWII flight simulator games
To: swimmer111

You make some exxellent points there, the flak setup in CFS3 is so easy to fly though, I never get banged up by it. You made another point that peaked my interested, is there a North Africa Expansion to CFS3. That would be awesome.

Cheers :ernae::ernae::ernae:
To: swimmer111

You make some exxellent points there, the flak setup in CFS3 is so easy to fly though, I never get banged up by it. You made another point that peaked my interested, is there a North Africa Expansion to CFS3. That would be awesome.

Cheers :ernae::ernae::ernae:

Hi Guys,

Hi Thedude,

Have a look at teh top of the CFS3 section for the link to MAW, this is a standalone install of CFS3 which recreates the African and Med campiagns. its a first class addition with many unique aspects. MAW was the work that lead to others making the ETO, PTO and Korean addons.

As for next game, I pretty much agree with the America's army type scenario, but would start it from 1939 and have ability to play for any of the nations involved.

and of course the game dynamics would included proper flight sim characteristics not like BattleField1942 etc. although I do enjoy BF1942 or did, dont play it anymore.

regards Rob.
I thought of a super-improved CFS3 also. Dont know who all on here has maybe dabbled with
HiTech Creations "AHII",but one of the aspects I really enjoyed was the ability to take over other
bases. The only aspect I really didnt care for was, there were no Germany & Japan vs US and Britain.

They had, Rooks,Bishops and Knights,(I played the Knight side the whole time) and you could pretty
much fly any plane no matter what country affiliation the plane,(or vehicle) was. Nice choice of both
air and ground vehicles,(plus an interactive fleet!).

I very much would've liked to seen a multi-player engine for CFS3 like that. None of this 15-20 minutes of ONLY dogfighting,or in another its ONLY a mission. Much more than just 8 players too.

My only thing is,it would have to be someone other than Microsoft that built and supported it. Like Cpt.Winters also said, I really enjoyed BF1942,but I really didnt like the "Air" side of it too well. The ground warfare was really good with the tanks,(Infantry weapons sucked though!) and the sea side wasnt too bad either. Give me the best aspects of CFS3,AHII and BF1942 and wowsers, would have a really great game I do believe!
BTW the developer would be under NO CIRCUMSTANCES Microsoft, I think that CFS2 was fun because is wasn't so much concerned about historical accuracy so the dogfights were unrealistically intense and the tough flak on the few big ground missions compensated for the lack of other difficulties pilots faced outside the cockpit. The game should be realistic in the flight models and plane behaviors, especially the AI, but if you have like a 6 on 1 dog fight that lasts two minutes because in your previous game some old WWII veteran called you out on it, shame on you! video games are video games, they should be fun, and in this case the missions need to be way more intense