The next lot of Knick Knacks


Charter Member 2014
Some more stuff coming soon,3 standalone p51's, 2 anti-aircraft guns,1 flaktower, 1 Gato Class Sub, and a partridge in a pear tree. Most should be ready soon apart from the sub,(i am hoping to finish the sub in the next ten years:icon_lol:)
:icon_lol:Ten years to finish a sub? Well you best get cracking lad! But seriously, always enjoy your efforts Jaycee, looks like ya got some very cool new items on the go. Love the stangs too! Any thing new for cfs3 is greatly appericiated by it's fans!
Very nice Jaycee, your modelling skills are progressing rapidly! Can't wait until your able to build a Mig-29!

Great job!!!

I am especially interested in the AA guns. They would be a great addition to ETO!
Very nice Jaycee, your modelling skills are progressing rapidly! Can't wait until your able to build a Mig-29!


Not so rapidly, its ok doing a droptank ect. but when you progress to something bigger in gmax the fun begins,I still have to find out about higher-archy, and lods, and animation, and glass, and on and on and on. i would still be faffing about with the two guns if Nachtpiloten (god bless im)had not helped, MIG-29:isadizzy: i might be able to attempt that when i am 143 years old :icon_lol:
This is a early christmas gift to all of us here..I can't wait to try your wonderful work
Thank You so very much for your efforts ..
Just finished a napalm bomb, and i am working on pylons for the F4U-1A so we can have rockets as loadouts, then i will start uploading,
Flak guns

Some more stuff coming soon,3 standalone p51's, 2 anti-aircraft guns,1 flaktower, 1 Gato Class Sub, and a partridge in a pear tree. Most should be ready soon apart from the sub,(i am hoping to finish the sub in the next ten years:icon_lol:)
Hi Jaycee,

this all looks great! The flak guns are sorely needed.

By the way did you see my post in the ETO sticky about an idea I had for the setup of flak guns?

Basically it is a "cunning plan" to work around the lack of damage effects when flak hits an aircraft. It works like this: for every visually modelled barrel, there are two barrels assigned in the m3d file. Not sure as to what is possible positionally - whether it is possible to model the barrels for the exact same point or whether they need to be parallel but hard up aginst each other.

So for a quad flak gun there would be eight "virtual" barrels (only 4 showing in the textures). Then in the xdp fo a 20mm quad for example, the ETO maestros can select four barrels to use as 20mm flak guns, and the other four virtual barrels can be assigned 20mm guns with the weapon type "cannon". This makes the cannon damage appear as holes when an aircraft is hit - the flak_gun does not make holes in an aircraft.

Cunning plan huh? The final important thing is to create new rounds for all the guns - with a firing rate half that of standard - this means that there are to practical effect still only the firepower of a quad even though there are eight virtual barrels.

This would add an extra level of enjoyment and value to new guns in ETO - to get visual damage appearing would be a real bonus.

daiwilletti is this sill in speculation phase?,or have you gotten any on screen results? i was watching your first thread on this but haven't seen anything as far as far along are you in the experimental standing?
daiwilletti is this sill in speculation phase?,or have you gotten any on screen results? i was watching your first thread on this but haven't seen anything as far as far along are you in the experimental standing?
Hi Slip Stream, I did take one of the 50 cal quad models, and modify the xdp so that it fired a mix of flak and shells, but I can't for the life of me remember which install and no I haven't tested it (wait a minute I think I also stuck some mixed barrels on ship Ack Ack). I think I did get the odd bullet hole to show up.

But see Jaycee's post - he deomstrated conclusively that aircraft can be shot up which is not surprising, given that the guns/rounds are the same as the ones fitted to some aircraftaircraft.

hi daiwilletti. from the rexplaination, i'll assume the anwser is. its still in idea form.i didn't want to burst your bubble but for the 6 years i've been here this idea has been brought up every year,at least once.lot of us were working on different approches to a solution.the finial posting around 2 years ago was this; the gun would have to be scrach built. 2 emmiters would have to be placed on each side of the center line of the bore of the barrel.that would allow 2 different types of ammo to be used in one barrel.but the project went if jaycee had the gumption he could go back into gmax with the guns and add the extra emmiters to the barrels.that would be farther than anyone has gotten the project to go.
Thanks a lot Jaycee, these Babies look and fly great!:jump:

Much better than the stock P-51's. Please sir, I fully encourage you to keep it up!:medals: