Very nice Jaycee, your modelling skills are progressing rapidly! Can't wait until your able to build a Mig-29!
Great job!!!
I am especially interested in the AA guns. They would be a great addition to ETO!
Just finished a napalm bomb, and i am working on pylons for the F4U-1A so we can have rockets as loadouts, then i will start uploading,
Hi Jaycee,Some more stuff coming soon,3 standalone p51's, 2 anti-aircraft guns,1 flaktower, 1 Gato Class Sub, and a partridge in a pear tree. Most should be ready soon apart from the sub,(i am hoping to finish the sub in the next ten years)
By the way, I would be happy to produce the xdp and also new rounds for the flak gun, to achieve the desired effect
Hi Slip Stream, I did take one of the 50 cal quad models, and modify the xdp so that it fired a mix of flak and shells, but I can't for the life of me remember which install and no I haven't tested it (wait a minute I think I also stuck some mixed barrels on ship Ack Ack). I think I did get the odd bullet hole to show up.daiwilletti is this sill in speculation phase?,or have you gotten any on screen results? i was watching your first thread on this but haven't seen anything as far as far along are you in the experimental standing?