The next one will be a Messerschmitt...

huub vink

Staff member
SteveB was so kind to send me the Flight Replica in a format which I can open with my ancient PSP7.

Already a long time ago I planned to do this one :wiggle:


Huub, your paint is awesome. I recently built a 1/48th scale model of this '109, and it is really cool that you were working on this paint at the same time. Beautiful work, my friend!:applause::applause::applause::applause:
Thanks guys, however there is an awful lot of work still to do. The basic paintkit is quite nice as a base, but I want to add much more additional details.

Most probably it won't be as detailed as the paintwork TonyG's did on "Seemann", but I think things like for instance the rudders and ailerons desperately need some additional details.

For those who don't know the original aircraft. Several aicrafts (if not all) from 7./JG53 had large comic like paintings on the fuselage during the period they were stationed on Comiso at Sicily Italy, in June 1943. These painting were made by the technician Uffz. Heinz Zach.


Quicksand any chance you post a picture from your model?
I have been so tardy in FS9 fellas and I have that and a Photoshop layered kit too Huub, I think I may have to do an FS9 Messerschmitt. That is one fine flight model from the folks at Flight Replicas too. :applause:

Fine looking paint Huub.

Thanks guys, however there is an awful lot of work still to do. The basic paintkit is quite nice as a base, but I want to add much more additional details...

Huub, great "start" on a good looking kite. :applause::applause:

LDF :wave:
This is called progress....

Still an almost brand new Messerschmitt, but I have quite some progress.

The Gustav must have been a very vulnerable aicrafts as I spend most of this evening putting labels with "Nicht anfassen" (don't hold here), "Nür hier betreten" (Only walk this side), "Nicht betreten" (Do not walk here) and "Vorsicht" (Caution) on this model.

The Flight Replica model is real eye candy, therefore it is a pleasure to make this texture. Tomorrow I will start the weathering.



This evening I watched the football match Liverpool vs Chelsea so I couldn't do much painting. However I finished the fabric rudders and I hope you like them.


I think I'm finished.......

The textures are as good as I can get them, go I guess they are finished. All I have to do is pack the textures and upload them. As it is past midnight here, don't expect them before tomorrow.





Thanks Rick! The repaint is in the queue, both here as on Avsim, waiting for approval.

And I just started the next one from 7./JG53......


That is a real sweet looking 109 Huub. :applause:
And even better yet because it's JG53 and the plane number I had when flying online in IL2. All it needs is vonSpinmeister under the canopy. :costumes: BTW... where can this 109 be gotten from? Freeware or payware?

With you permission, I'd like to save a couple of your screenshots for wallpapers.

BTW again... I have met Gottfried Dulias of 3/JG 53(Pik As Geschwader) Budapest March 1945. He is a fine gentleman and a friend. Hopefully I'll see him again this year at MAAM's WWII Weekend, and get his picture. His 109G-14/AS was 6 also, but yellow 6 and no number after the white band, the rudder wing tips and front 1/3 of the spinner were yellow also.
Its Payware. About $45 USD but oh soo worth it! You get the Flight Replica F, G and K series. The only FR '109 variants you won't get are the Avia S-199. But even still its a HUGE set and well worth the cash.

That is a real sweet looking 109 Huub. :applause:
And even better yet because it's JG53 and the plane number I had when flying online in IL2. All it needs is vonSpinmeister under the canopy. :costumes: BTW... where can this 109 be gotten from? Freeware or payware?

With you permission, I'd like to save a couple of your screenshots for wallpapers.

BTW again... I have met Gottfried Dulias of 3/JG 53 Budapest March 1945. He is a fine gentleman and a friend. Hopefully I'll see him again this year at MAAM's WWII Weekend, and get his picture. His 109G-14/AS was 6 also, but yellow 6 and no number after the white band, the rudder wing tips and front 1/3 of the spinner were yellow also.

You can also purchase the Gustav package which is just over 21 Euroos (28.41 US Dollars). This will give you 12 different models.

There is a "donationware" G6/R6 as well. The money made with this model goes to the DARE foundation, which excavates aircrafts which chrashed in the Netherlands during WW-II. This one is nearly 12 Euroos (15.80 US Dollars)

I have made the texture so that they fit both the G6 in the package as the donationware G6/R6. ALthough the pictures prove different many sources say the Gustavs form 7./JG53 were mounted with gun pods.

When you want the screenies in original 1400 x 900 bmp format just give me a PM.
