The oldest airline in the world

huub vink

Staff member
My favourite KLM livery. This was the standard KLM liver form 1954 - 1961. Banners over the full length of the fuselage with on one side the Dutch text and on the other the English one. A white roof and smaller registration codes.

The PH-DAT went to Dutch New Guinea in 1961 and ended up in Indonesia. This aircraft is now preserved in the Indonesia transport museum, but was still flying on a commercial base in 2005!

Nearly ready....

I do love these repaints Huub, the DDA fleet were regular visitors to UK airshows before the rules on pleasure flights changed a few years back.
cheers ian
The DDA Aircraft are currently painted in the "candy wrapper" liveries from KLM and MartinAir. It a pity as the real vintage KLM liveries look so much better. But I guess the "candy wrapper" liveries are more recognisable.

After some last minutes corrections (well spotted Maarten!) I have uploaded the textures. Get them while they are still warm!


Spot the differences! :icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:
