The perfect flight sim for me


I have been trying to set up with both 2020 and 2024 to work with my new DOF motion platform. I have decided that if I could get the 2024 scenery graphics into 2020, I would be a happy simmer. I don't need the X-box crowd pleasing career features and challengers (I know 2020 has challengers) and the other fluff, in my opinion, thrown in to attract as many purchasers as possible, but not adding to serious simming.

I have a 1 gHz fiber optic (to the house) internet connection. When tested for actual upload and download speeds It comes in about 800 mHz, not bad. It still takes two to three minutes for 2024 to download and be ready to fly. 2020 takes less than a minute.

I don't find all the new aerodynamics in the flight model to make a difference with my actual flight experience. I have been jumping from 2020 to 2024 and back with the RV-8 trying to tune the motion platform's software. I don't notice any real difference in the flight models. 2024 allows the plane to float more on landing. That would be important if I was planning on flying the real aircraft. However, to me it is minor thing. Don't mention to me "system failures". As I have said here numerous times, I have had enough real emergencies and system failures to last this lifetime. I don't won't or need EPs in my pretend airplanes.

Maybe, as I get more experience 2024 I will change my tune. At the moment, however, this old former pilot/flight simmer feels like he wasted $120 USD, and will think long and hard before buying another Microsoft product. This includes Bethesda products, which I am afraid MS will screw up, ruin, and then kill.
John - I appreciate your input. I've been holding off on 2024 due to the various comments about issues (and more issues). I do, however, limit my 2020 purchases to those models that also work in 2024. I'm almost certain M$FT will fix 2024 in my lifetime (but they are running out of time)!
I was also excited for 2024 at first, but decided to hold off a few days after release to gauge response. Days have now turned to months. I'm going to let Asobo/MS iron out the kinks before I even think about moving up.
I'm with you, John. I also went back to 2020. Like Tom, I was excited about 2024. I bought it when it was released. It now resides on an SSD that sits in a desk drawer. And still, occasionally 2020 manages to irk me.
And as I've posted before, I've migrated back to 2020 until MS/Asobo are able to greatly mature and work out the kinks in 2024.
I was also excited for 2024 at first, but decided to hold off a few days after release to gauge response. Days have now turned to months. I'm going to let Asobo/MS iron out the kinks before I even think about moving up.
Same here, even if I'm the mod for 2024 on SOH.

Of course MSFS2020 has had 15 Sim Updates to get where it is today, while MSFS2024 hasn't had any Sim Updates yet.
I've been simming for 25 years and I didn't even install MFS2020 until last I completely understand waiting until the kinks are ironed out with new sims! I've got a new computer coming in the next few weeks and I plan on reinstalling 2020 and upgrading from XP11 to XP12. Aside from that, I'll continue to remain the holding pattern for MFS2024. It'll undoubtedly be on my system some day, but I'm in no rush. I'm content with my current options.
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Well, FS2004 only had one. FSX had two or three if you count the acceleration pack. I'm not getting into Prepar3D...
