"The Plane that Saved Britain"


Staff member
Beautiful programme on Channel 4 in the UK tonight on the Mosquito. Historic footage, original pilots' comments and Winkle Brown on the Sea Mosquito. Oh, and actual flying footage of Yagen's FB.26 at Virginia Beach this year. From the cockpit!

With thanks to my dear wife who told me this prog was on!! :jump: (and let me watch it...)
The plane that saved Britian, wasn't that the P-51 built by the Americans..
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

Off to hide! on goes the Ring! :pop4:

And it is not hobbit season!!
I hope..

:icon_lol: :icon_lol:
Becoming rather fond of the Spitfire Mk 9's now.( don't tell the Brits)
If only they had some good paint on one perhaps would even consider using them..:icon_eek:
Oh don't get me started Owen:rolleyes::icon_lol:. But seriously, the Mossie doesn't come to mind when I see a title like The Plane that Saved Britain, would've picked the Spitfire or Hurricane, but then it's interesting to see what their premise was for a less obvious candidate. Can't get it I'd love to know what they say once somebody has seen it.
I agree, I would have guessed the Spit or Hurricane..

But the Mosquito was such a unusual aircraft in Her day.
A truly great bird..
Yea, I admitted that..:ernae:
:icon_lol: :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

The you tube link isn't available here.. Bummer..
The plane that saved Britian, wasn't that the P-51 built by the Americans..

Lol, I think you'll find it was Britain that saved the P-51 Owen! :icon_lol:

Didn't manage to catch the proggy last night, will watch it in the week. Does seem an odd title though and not one you would immediatley put upon the Mossie.
That was the programme makers' title, not mine: I watched it expecting to groan often, but was very pleasantly surprised.

A word in your shell-like ear, Owen: the head honcho here, Henry, is a big fan of the Mossie. He's had a word with the Ringwraiths who are also Mossie fans and the next time you put that bleedin' Ring on they're gonna be waiting for you...

They got you surrounded, ol' buddy! :icon_eek::hatchet:
I'd hardly say that the Mossie saved Britain. I'd say it had a lot to do with plastering Germany, but that came later. Saved is 1940-41.
I'd hardly say that the Mossie saved Britain. I'd say it had a lot to do with plastering Germany, but that came later. Saved is 1940-41.

I'm with Nigel on this: we had to first avoid annihilation, then take the fight to the enemy. The Mossie was too late to help the first and awfully useful for the second. Mind you, I'm still envious of the presenter who got to fly in the FB.26. :greenbo:
Maybe if they air ministry hadn't rejected it at the beginning it might have been there earlier...who knows? Meanwhile a still from the film showing a Mossie Intruder attacking an airfield at night. What interested me are the airfield lights!:jump:

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Very interesting indeed! Surprised that they were left on with a Mossie nearby and also at the amount of illumination, you can see quite a bit of what's on the ground. Is this from a gun camera film or another aircraft? I can't quite tell.
Well intruders like to lurk near NJG airbases and wait for a plane coming in. I forget if looked like Gun cam.
i saw a documnetery , yes the p51 but the engine was designed by the brits , and what was a real eye opener the brits send over a secret bucket of secrets at beigging of war to usa .... it was the whole how to on bombs , etc...engines ........it appears usa was a hugh mass production for these high end war techies so id say yes to p51 but the guts and glory of it was british technology and science .....
I never liked these kind of debates because there's really no right answer. It's not a sport with a fair score. There's just too many variables that changed often in the war.
As for my opinion, why does it have to be just one? All the planes in the theater contributed, some in huge ways and most relyed on other's success.

The Spitfire couldn't have done it without the Hurricanes and vice versa.
The B-17 couldn't have done it without the Mustangs.
The Mustangs wouldn't have been produced if not for the Hurricane's and Spitfire's successful track record using the Merlin.
The Thunderbolts and Lightnings paved the way for the Mustangs in the escort role.
The Bombers like Mosquitos and even the Mediums & Heavies couldn't bomb as effeciently without the photo recon planes like the Lightnings and Spitfires.
The Typhoons and Thunderbolts wouldn't have been so succesful in the ground attack role if not for the Spitfires, Mustangs, and Tempests clearing the skies of German fighters first.

To me, the Mustang wins, not in saving Britain...but in saving me! That's because my grandfather was a B-17 radio operater. He once told me he would not have made it if not for the Mustangs protecting him over Berlin. Therefore I wouldn't exist...so I'm a bit biased. :salute:
I never liked these kind of debates because there's really no right answer. It's not a sport with a fair score. There's just too many variables that changed often in the war.
As for my opinion, why does it have to be just one? All the planes in the theater contributed, some in huge ways and most relyed on other's success.

The Spitfire couldn't have done it without the Hurricanes and vice versa.
The B-17 couldn't have done it without the Mustangs.
The Mustangs wouldn't have been produced if not for the Hurricane's and Spitfire's successful track record using the Merlin.
The Thunderbolts and Lightnings paved the way for the Mustangs in the escort role.
The Bombers like Mosquitos and even the Mediums & Heavies couldn't bomb as effeciently without the photo recon planes like the Lightnings and Spitfires.
The Typhoons and Thunderbolts wouldn't have been so succesful in the ground attack role if not for the Spitfires, Mustangs, and Tempests clearing the skies of German fighters first.

To me, the Mustang wins, not in saving Britain...but in saving me! That's because my grandfather was a B-17 radio operater. He once told me he would not have made it if not for the Mustangs protecting him over Berlin. Therefore I wouldn't exist...so I'm a bit biased. :salute:

Well said, Indeed!!
:salute: :salute: :salute:
One thing is certain, every time there was something directly targeting Britain it was a British design that went to counter it. Bombers in the Battle of Britain? Send out the Hurricanes and Spitfires. Reconnaissance aircraft? Spitfires to the rescue. Low level coastal raiders? Spitfires and Typhoons. The V-1 threat? Spitfires, Tempests and even a couple of Meteors. And when it came to the V-2 and V-3 programs it was Lancasters, Halifaxes and Stirlings that plastered Peenemünde to the point of withdrawal and Lancasters wrote off the Mimoyecques site before a single shot was fired.