The Power of AI


Charter Member 2011
Some discussion on the forum about AI, made me have a think about all the stuff you can do in flightsim.
Playing a little at Italian airport LIPR, I have the following AI installed, all different, doing different things:
- Ground vehicle AI which drive around the perimeter roads
- A couple of AI Predators cruising off on surveillance missions in Croatia, across the Adriatic
- A few Recorder Module tracks with some more Predators practicing circuits
- Flight1's AI helicopters
- And of course, the usual WOAI civilian traffic flying to, and over, the airport.

It all adds to the amazing experience you can get, and make, in FS9.


Sometimes, I feel like one of those WWII Spitfire pilots easing up to a V1 flying bomb...;)
Have a look at the stuff from Military AI Works it'll blow you away. In particular the special airshow they made. It's a special airfield in the Bahamas that has formation flyby's from the USAF thunderbirds, F-117's, B-1's and others plus static displays.
I was flying chase planes for the A and B model Predator in the High Desert for a while. That position you're holding at the moment is about where we'd position the Cessna for the some of the "hardware" release tests.

The A model was quite easy to stay in formation with both speed wise and wake behind the aircraft. The Jet-A burning and much larger B model was a bit different.
Obviously it could outrun the C-210 or C-206 any time it wanted...sometimes it did so on it's own accord when it lost coms with the pilots on the ground and went to it's preprogrammed "I am all alone routine". That usually started with a max performance climb and then loiter to re-establish connections (hopefully)

The B also had a much bigger wake to keep in mind unless you like doing acro in close formation to a UAV :jump:

I was flying chase planes for the A and B model Predator...
Fascinating stuff! Assume you could not control them from the chase plane?
That's the next step, for networked UCAV's I guess...

Actually, it's a little weird flying UAV's in FS9:
Here am I in Auckland, simulating an aircraft flying in another hemisphere, which IRL would be controlled by someone doing pretty much the same as I am, in a different hemisphere...

...formation flyby's from the USAF thunderbirds, F-117's, B-1's and others plus static displays...
I have nothing but admiration for those guys...
I did an RNZAF "what if" airshow package some time ago: 4x4 formation crossovers, flyby's etc. It's damned hard work and users tend not to appreciate that.
And I love Nick Black's planes.