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View attachment 3986Well its my yearly inquirey...THE RYAN PT-22....Any one seen this elusive
American Classic in our Sim world??...I know of a half finished one..but that seems to be just that...There was some interest last time I brought this up..BUT?? I will keep inquiring!!...CHEERS ..Vin!!
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Yup there is one. Trying to locate... All I could find was one at Simviation, by Felipe Belalcazar. It is FS 2002 so the prop might not show up. I was pretty sure there was an FS9 one bouncing around here somewheres.
Thanx,Yes Felipe,did some fine preliminary work..In fact a flying model...However I think its not finished,I may be wrong....however I would think a unique model like this had been done....Still looking....SO LONG!!..Vin!!........note the JAZEY GEAR COLORS!:icon_lol:

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TopFlightSimulations (NCGent here on SOH) is working on a PT-22. He had some computer issues and it took a while to get the funds together to buy the parts he needed. I just got an e-mail from him a few days ago...he is back to work on the word on when it would be finished and available due to ongoing real life issues that he is battling.

I wouldn't mind seeing a good rendition of the "Maytag Messerschmidt" myself. And be sure to avail yourself of Bill & Lynn Lyons' gorgeous Ryan ST-A over at - a real beauty! Just do a File Search for "Ryan STA" and it'll pull up Bill & Lynn's original file along with Steffen Moessner's improved NMF textures and a couple of extra skins by Leon Louis.

