Tonight I fired up OFF P2 and enjoyed free flight and some dogfights.
My good lady noticed I had a large glass of whiskey on the computer table
"That is not going to help your flying skills" She pointed out
"Possibly not " I replied "But I am sacrificing sobriety and my liver to experience what many WW1 airman did, drink whiskey to keep out the cold and fear! You told me your Grandad drank whiskey before he flew in WW1"
(My Wifes Grandfather flew Sopwith Camels and later SE5A's)
My Wife then pointed out "He told me he drank the whiskey as the castor oil in the engine had an effect on the stomach and the drink calmed things down a bit"
"Well" I said raising my glass " You I have just eaten the dinner you cooked so you could say i am doing the same thing!"
Doesnt Whiskey sting when it gets chucked in your eyes!!!
My good lady noticed I had a large glass of whiskey on the computer table
"That is not going to help your flying skills" She pointed out
"Possibly not " I replied "But I am sacrificing sobriety and my liver to experience what many WW1 airman did, drink whiskey to keep out the cold and fear! You told me your Grandad drank whiskey before he flew in WW1"
(My Wifes Grandfather flew Sopwith Camels and later SE5A's)
My Wife then pointed out "He told me he drank the whiskey as the castor oil in the engine had an effect on the stomach and the drink calmed things down a bit"
"Well" I said raising my glass " You I have just eaten the dinner you cooked so you could say i am doing the same thing!"
Doesnt Whiskey sting when it gets chucked in your eyes!!!