The Sad Closeing Of FSDesign Berlin

casey jones

Charter Member
I went to FSDesign Berlin to try and D/L a re-paint of the L-10A Alaska PAA for FS2004. The whole site is now covered with advertisment banners, none of the D/L will work....What happened to this great site?


Hi OleBoy,

I followed your instructions on FSDesign Berlin, clicked on the berlin sight you underlined...still did not work, then went to the other site you underlined, its in German but to me shows no where to go to a working FSDesign Berlin site...sorry for the trouble.

Thank You

Casey, what you just said, is exactly what I I was just confirming what you said by checking on my end also. The site is in fact down.
That F S D E S I G N B E R L I N
Screenshot Manager (version 2.3)..can be had at Flight Sim......just got it....Vin
I'm pretty sure almost everything on the FSDesign Berlin site is loaded at just need to do a search that's where I picked up their Electra L10s