The South Downs Flying Club - a homage.

Pat Pattle

It's been a wet weekend so I've sat and put something together that I've been meaning to for years.
In the MGM 1969 BoB movie there's a scene set at the 'South Downs Flying Club, with a very disgruntled Squadron Leader played by Michael Caine.

Squadron Leader Canfield : [following the destruction of his airfield] And what flaming genius thought of sending us to that dump of a flying club?
Maintenance Officer : Don't blame me, direct orders from group. Park himself. It's not a bad little field.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I've seen it. Damp tents and a nasty little shack full of dead flies.
Maintenance Officer : Well at least you won't have the Jerries visiting you.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I don't blame'm.

Lots still to do but this will be in the next BoB install update. Yes I know it's not an Alvis, the only car thing I could find.


Can't wait for the updated version of the wonderful CFS3 BoB ! One of my favorite expansions ! Thanks for all your contributions. i have both the stock and campaign versions. Thanks for all your time and effort in keeping CFS3 alive and exciting. "Never has so so was much done for so few ". Played all the missions. Love playing them over and over. Thanks again . Regards ,Scott