Pat Pattle
It's been a wet weekend so I've sat and put something together that I've been meaning to for years.
In the MGM 1969 BoB movie there's a scene set at the 'South Downs Flying Club, with a very disgruntled Squadron Leader played by Michael Caine.
Squadron Leader Canfield : [following the destruction of his airfield] And what flaming genius thought of sending us to that dump of a flying club?
Maintenance Officer : Don't blame me, direct orders from group. Park himself. It's not a bad little field.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I've seen it. Damp tents and a nasty little shack full of dead flies.
Maintenance Officer : Well at least you won't have the Jerries visiting you.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I don't blame'm.
Lots still to do but this will be in the next BoB install update. Yes I know it's not an Alvis, the only car thing I could find.
In the MGM 1969 BoB movie there's a scene set at the 'South Downs Flying Club, with a very disgruntled Squadron Leader played by Michael Caine.
Squadron Leader Canfield : [following the destruction of his airfield] And what flaming genius thought of sending us to that dump of a flying club?
Maintenance Officer : Don't blame me, direct orders from group. Park himself. It's not a bad little field.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I've seen it. Damp tents and a nasty little shack full of dead flies.
Maintenance Officer : Well at least you won't have the Jerries visiting you.
Squadron Leader Canfield : I don't blame'm.
Lots still to do but this will be in the next BoB install update. Yes I know it's not an Alvis, the only car thing I could find.