The StopGap Intercepters Of The Early Cold War

casey jones

Charter Member
The possible threat of Soviet Bombers attacking the North American continent in 1951 was a major concern of the USAF in 1950-51. North American Air Defense Command was created with Canada but our options to attack this bomber threat was very few. North American Airplane Company came up with the F-86D "The Sabre Dog" It was a little bigger and heavier then the F-86E, but it was designed to attack the Soviet Bomber stream, it was an all weather bomber intercepter with a computer gun site which would alert the pilot to withen 500 yards for a lockon of the target, the computer armed itself and would lock on to the target, a tray under the nose of the F-86D would then open and fire little "mighty mouse rockets" like a shotgun blast, the USAF jumped on this and ordered about 2,360 F-86Ds, Lockheed presented their idea of an all weather intercepter which was a highly modified T-33, which became the F-94C Starfire, the USAF was not very interested in this plane, but Lockheed went ahead with the project privately and when the F-94C took to the air the USAF was impressed with it, it had the mighty mouse rocket pods on each wing, the final constant was the Northup F-89, it went through a number of problems but was finally placed into service with NORAD. I remmenber very well watching two F-94C Starfires running up their engines at Langley AFB Virginia in 1953. Both the F-89D and the F-94C had radar intercept officers, but the F-86D did not.


there's a Sabre Dog and Starfire out there that will work for FS9, but there both really old and basic, although i do like the Saber Dog by Angelo Moneta, it must be 8 years old now with no vc, no animations and a flight model that needs a lot of work, but the external model still looks good and is great for ai.
cheers ian
Used to be a military colector near me who had a lot of stuff... Tanks, deuce & a halfs, and at the center of his collection, a Sabredog... Died a few years ago and suddenly the Sabre disappeared. Was a strictly staic display aircraft as it had the engine removed but the cockpit looked fairly complete. It's probably beer cans by now but I would have loved to have gotten the nose/cockpit...


PS... the Vermont Air Guard has one example of every aircraft they have flown (Except for the F-47 and F-51) There's an F-94, F-89, F-4, EB-57, F-102, F-16, T-33 and even the squadron "hacks" A C-47, C-131 and C-45.

All of them are set up in a small park area just outside the gate. Just don't show up at 5 pm like I did because the SP's need the parking area for pick ups of member's going home for the day.
Kazinori Ito made a very good F-94C Starfire and also made a decent F-89D Scorpion. I remember when the Starfire came out someone around here had some effect for rocket fire and I added it on and now for the life of me cannot remember who or how I did it. I just know it's a pretty cool effect (nose rocket pod doors open with ctrl-shift-2)
David Wooster made an F-86D for FS9. It was one of his early models, built before we teamed up, so I didn't paint it. It's a good 3D model with a good flight model, and it has some interesting features.

I set up the rocket effects for the F-94:

Smoke.0=0.00, 15.00, 2.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.1=-1.00, 15.00, 1.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.2=1.00, 15.00, -1.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.3=0.00, 15.00, -2.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.4=0.00, 15.00, 1.90, fx_rocketp
Smoke.5=-1.00, 15.00, 0.90, fx_rocketp
Smoke.6=1.00, 15.00, -0.90, fx_rocketp
Smoke.7=0.00, 15.00, -1.90, fx_rocketp
Smoke.8=-2.00,0.70, 12.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.9=-2.00,0.70, 12.05, fx_rocketp
Smoke.10=-2.00,0.70, 12.10, fx_rocketp
Smoke.11=-2.00,0.70, -12.00, fx_rocketp
Smoke.12=-2.00,0.70, -12.05, fx_rocketp
Smoke.13=-2.00,0.70, -12.10, fx_rocketp

I don't recall where the effect file came from, but of you don't have the file "fx_rocketp" in your effects folder, there are a number of rocket effects available at the download sites or included with various models.

You have to just toggle the "i" key on and right back off again. No fair leaving it on and shooting off a million rockets in a constant stream!
...No fair leaving it on and shooting off a million rockets in a constant stream!
It might not be fair but it sure is fun...:applause:
Thank you Mick for the rocket effects. :ernae:
I can now say my Starfire is literally 'loaded for Bear'. However last time I checked the frigid skies of Michigan I have yet to see anything with a red star on the wings. Oh well. Must stay