casey jones
Charter Member
The possible threat of Soviet Bombers attacking the North American continent in 1951 was a major concern of the USAF in 1950-51. North American Air Defense Command was created with Canada but our options to attack this bomber threat was very few. North American Airplane Company came up with the F-86D "The Sabre Dog" It was a little bigger and heavier then the F-86E, but it was designed to attack the Soviet Bomber stream, it was an all weather bomber intercepter with a computer gun site which would alert the pilot to withen 500 yards for a lockon of the target, the computer armed itself and would lock on to the target, a tray under the nose of the F-86D would then open and fire little "mighty mouse rockets" like a shotgun blast, the USAF jumped on this and ordered about 2,360 F-86Ds, Lockheed presented their idea of an all weather intercepter which was a highly modified T-33, which became the F-94C Starfire, the USAF was not very interested in this plane, but Lockheed went ahead with the project privately and when the F-94C took to the air the USAF was impressed with it, it had the mighty mouse rocket pods on each wing, the final constant was the Northup F-89, it went through a number of problems but was finally placed into service with NORAD. I remmenber very well watching two F-94C Starfires running up their engines at Langley AFB Virginia in 1953. Both the F-89D and the F-94C had radar intercept officers, but the F-86D did not.