The truly rotten part about MSFS 2024


ASOBO/MS lied. They said aircraft and such would carry over from MSFS 2020. Explain this (see attachment). Also half of all buttons on even MSFS 2024 aircraft do not function. In short, as pretty as it is, altogether it's a POS!

Cazzie, who is not about to leave MSFS 2020, still more immersive than MS2024.


Bomber pointed me back to the MS memo that said they disabled all the 2020 stuff temporarily sometime between yesterday and this AM.

Most of my 2020 stuff is back active again as of an hour or so ago.

Unfortunately, not mine! I'll give it time. But it's hard to beat immersion better than moving trains. Screenie from MSFS 2020, FS Trains from the Marketplace.


This would explain why my Blackbox 360 and 330 went MIA from MSFS2024 lol. However, flight planner and EFB navigation is say sluggish today more than the past few days. However my BB Islander piston and turbine have not went MIA. Darn MSFS Gremlins.

Asobo support has been receiving numerous requests for almost a month to have the aircraft files provided in the base version unencrypted so that developers can investigate and improve their knowledge as the SDK alone does not lose create a fully compatible plane with FS24,
Currently the vast majority of developers can simply modify a FS20 plane so that it can be used in free flight; it's named "simple aircraft" in Asobo language).
Functionnalities required to "full compliant FS24 aircraft" are:
- modern flight model,
- native model (compiled with the FS24 SDK),
- usable in career mode,
- usuable with the pre-flight provided by Asobo.
Some have succeeded like Inibuilds (T-33), does the 1rd Party dev. have more information than others?

The answer of E. Pellissier (Asobo Support manager) was at first to say that he had not been informed then he would see with his teams and denigrate that this was done at the request of developers who had supplied theirs airplanes and who did not want to be copied. This is understandable.
The FS20 Marketplace has been closed pending more information and especially E. Pellissier announced that the next two patches scheduled for the week of Dec 2 and 9 Dec. was going to change some things ... wait and see :rolleyes:

I had asked that at least one Asobo complete aircraft example be provided in Blender format ( ) so that the vast majority could study it ... no response to date, just a possibility to import an 3DS aircraft in blender !

In conclusion, I’m afraid that Microsoft has plans to lock the simulator a little more and only pass on some information from the SDK to the companies who have a commercial agreement with them. The others will have just what it takes to do what he calls "simple aircraft".
The locked access to base planes will also annoy people who do repaints because they don’t have enough information to make a package.
Currently, DDS files are no more used under FS24 but KTX2 new format is provided by the SDK compiler.

You can vote to this whislist in order to try to find a solution to this problem:

Reference of Q&A forum:

This is from the dev support:
" Hi everyone,
Just to let you know: the topic is being discussed internally - I hope I’ll get back with answers for you in the coming days.
  • We know that not being able to look into Standard aircraft is a problem so I am confident there will soon be a satisfactory solution for everyone - actually, it should already be possible but it looks like we (my team) forgot something in the VFSProjector…
  • Then there will be the topic of modifying those Standard aircraft - we are discussing potential solutions so that should become possible soon too. However please note that the changes you make locally will most probably only affect the aircraft in free flight - not in career or competitive modes.
  • For payware aircraft things may be different - if a developer doesn’t want his product to be browsed by everyone, then there’s no reason why we should allow it. Which will also prevent changes to the aircraft.
Happy to discuss further with you all.

Best regards,
Eric / Asobo"
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It sounds to me like MS's goal is to focus on the bigger players who will sell, possibly only, through the Marketplace. This will eliminate the smaller and amateur developers. It will also eliminate the innovation that comes from the small free thinkers who try new ideas.

It looks like the days of the developers who design and build add-on products for the joy of doing so and sharing will go the way of writing in cursive and reading a printed manual.
It sounds to me like MS's goal is to focus on the bigger players who will sell, possibly only, through the Marketplace. This will eliminate the smaller and amateur developers. It will also eliminate the innovation that comes from the small free thinkers who try new ideas.

It looks like the days of the developers who design and build add-on products for the joy of doing so and sharing will go the way of writing in cursive and reading a printed manual.
Notwithstanding the fact that I wouldn't put it past them, I want to stay positive. If I remember correctly, something along those lines was being said when 2020 came out and the update débâcle began. But we've seen several devs bringing brilliant stuff to the community. Payware and freeware.

We'll see!

I don't think it's a conspiracy to lock up content and force people to the Marketplace.

I think it's a case of a big team that doesn't actually use the sim the way enthusiasts do, and when they built the spec the person who decided "we'll just apply the encryption to everything" had no idea that third party developers analyzed aircraft in order to compensate for inadequate SDK documentation, or that talented end-users frequently fixed issues with first-party aircraft.

Don't blame on malice or conspiracy that which can be attributed to lack of knowledge. :)
I'm working on two 2024 projects, both for developers. As to the stock aircraft, even the ASOBO one's, the sim and SDK wasn't stable enough development wise to allow anyone really enough time to have a finished project. For flying bug smashers and helicopters about it is rather spectacular, as to airliners with sophisticated nav and flight control systems, it's not there as yet. For port overs, reminds me a lot of running FSX planes in P3D without instruments and various features working. Some port overs do work well, especially the PMDG DC6.


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Not even a simple repaint will work. I understand that when fs20 came out , 4 years ago , that we had to start from scratch. But do we have to do that all again for the sake of a silly walk-around. Which i,ll probably forget after doing it 3 times , is too much for me . I dont want too check the pressure in my tires . I want to fly the damn thing.
I'll be positive and say that Asobo/MS are trying their best to allow MSFS2020 aircraft to work as they should in 2024. Yes, there are a lot of bugs, and some continue to be issues (i.e. glass cockpit day-time lighting, missing pilots/co-pilots, etc), but they've indicated they're working on fixes and I have seen progress (amidst the regression). We're in a better place than things were for FSX aircraft not being workable at all in 2020 without 3rd party tools and an effort to make them 2020 native. Still, the turkey was a bit undercooked for the initial release.

I'll continue to work in the 2020 SDK for the models I've released until there are truly earth-shattering reasons to go 2024 native. Having aircraft that work fine in both 2020 and 2024 is a big plus IMHO, and resyncing live aircraft changes in dev mode for 2020 is so much easier and less time consuming than what is available currently in 2024.

The new modular system is a bit onerous at the moment (the 2024 DA62 has almost 250 folders in its package vs 7 in 2020 - and that's just folders!). As a positive, 2024 aircraft can be simplified quite a bit if the dev doesn't care about their aircraft being available in career mode, and devs are figuring out what the simplest package can be made for a fully native 2024 aircraft. In time, the new aircraft architecture will be figured out and part of the normal way of doing things. Lots to learn here myself before I can make much more of it. Only time will tell.

I will say that 2024 aircraft livery painting (especially complex modular aircraft with a lot of separate, small models of components) will take more time and effort to create and set-up to work properly. The complexity of it all was to separate LOD loading, allow smaller packages for variants, and make the core program more efficient, which appeases the xbox users and those with lesser systems, with the flip side the modders bearing the brunt of the extra work involved.

As for core system files being locked down, that's a WIP by Asobo to determine in the end what will be available to override or not. At least they're listening to the community for comment and feedback.