The Unseen Enemy

Lt. Heinz Becker

Charter Member
Long bomber missions can be extremely boring for pilots and their crew. Hours of flying, checking over instruments and battling fatigue. During the Blitz, the Luftwaffe changed from daylight bombing raids to bombing British cities at night. The cover of night can help conceal their bomber formations. However, they can also conceal an unseen enemy.
For the unknowing Luftwaffe pilots, their aircraft are about to be peppered from wingtip to wingtip by .303 incendiary rounds. Changing tactics from daytime raids to night time raids transformed a less then stellar bomber interceptor into a lethal killer by night. Any ideas as to what this mysterious aircraft to the German pilots is?:icon_lol:
:icon_lol: I should of made that a little harder to tell what it was. Anyway, the Defiant has definitely impressed me. Just fly up under or to the side of the bombers, set power to 70%, set autopilot on, and let er' rip. The 4 .303 Brownings do quick work of a Do17 or a He111.