The Waddington Blurries...

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
... is not the name of a new Britpop band no one has heard of before.
It describes a problem I encounter at the UKMIL scenery of RAF Waddington (V-Force era):

When starting at Waddo, everything shows up fine until I change from cockpit to spot view. The textures of hangars get blurried, and so do the surrounding 'landscape tiles' textures. Re-loading of the scenery doesn't solve the problem, pausing by hitting the ALT-key sometimes does (after third or fourth try...).

These blurries do not occur as long as I stay in cockpit or VC view, but as soon as I change to spot view and back to cockpit, the textures behave that way.

Even when taking off at the neighboring bases of RAF Cranwell or Coningsby (great addons as well!) and going into Waddo's final, changing views causes this blurry effect. As a workaround, I removed some scenery items as suggested (i.e. fences, trees), but no effect.

Has anyone an idea how to get rid of it?

Thanks in advance,
In my experience, those blurries are caused by a mistake at the Gmax end. Extra verticies not removed, or an object is not sitting at 0, or slightly lower than 0 on the horizontal axis. It's a texture loading confusion phenomina. I don't think anything can be done about it once it's in FS9. But, someone else may say I'm wrong here. Good luck. You could contact UKMIL and see if they can look into it.
Thanks, Fnerg!

In fact, I did a search in the UKMIL forum some weeks ago, but it seemed to me that this is not a common problem...

The UKMIL sites seem to be down right now, I should post there later on.

Has anyone else these probs at Waddo?
Maybe its the plane your flying, Dave Garwoods Hunter series sometimes blurs ground textures on some peoples set-up, try with some differnt types of aircraft and see if the problem continues, just a thought :wavey:
cheers ian
Had that problem with the Tornado F3 (5 Sqn). Turned out it was the bitmaps for the left and right lights. Started out great, but from cockpit to spot, everything blurred over. Had it with a couple of planes actually. Some of the older texture bitmaps were not updated. Interesting thing is not all of the textures of the different paints that accompanied the aircraft were like this, just one or two. So it was a matter of finding one that did function properly and then comparing the date against one that didnot. But be careful. Do not change any textures that belong to the actual aircraft.
Well, guys,

after some thorough traffic patterns around Waddo, I do not believe it's a specific plane texture to cause this blurries.
There were just two aircraft to go blurry-free:
- default C 172 (boooooooooring!)
- Rick Piper's Chippie

Here's the collection of the used aircraft (pretty nice airshow...):
- Warwick Carter's Tiger Moth
- A2A Spitfire Mk. I
- RAS Spitfire Mk. XIV
- AH Hurricane
- Alphasim Typhoon
- our beloved Sea Fury FB.11
- Dave Garwood's Hunter
- SF8 Sabre
- Warwick Carter's P-51D
- IRIS Tornado
- SOH Invader
- MAAM Dakota
- FCS Hurricane
- Dave Eckert's Stearman
- MS default Mooney Bravo (!)

The blurries also had a strange "infecting" effect to the aircraft textures of the Sea Fury and the Mooney.
It's always changing views that start this effect.
Maybe I should just stop this switching around...
