Did a bit more testing, this time in daylight. I turned the settings down a notch, mostly to default with 2xAA and 8xAF. Still would get only 8-15 fps all the time, and that on a i7 920 @ 3.2 Ghz, 6 Gb ram and a GTX560Ti and a screen resolution of 1680x1050..
One nice thing missing from Ms sims are the cloud shadows on the ground, but I suspect those are also a framerate hog. Can't seem to turn them off though.
Tried a few different aircraft too; the King Air is the best one I've seen so far and flies OK. The Lancair is an empty shell (No interior) and flies like it's completely weightless. Weird!
The Phantom is actually pretty good and handles OK. (Still feels too light.) The Sea King helicopter is a very low res model, even without a VC! The smallest touch of the throttle and it went ballistic, completely out of control.
Elevator trim seems to be an issue; no matter if I assigned a set of buttons to it or an axis on my stick, all aircraft couldn't be trimmed down to a level attitude.
Wish I could say it was a good sim Bill, because I would like to see some decent competition for MS, but this just isn't it for me..
Some more uneditted screenshots:
View attachment 52965
View attachment 52961View attachment 52962
View attachment 52963View attachment 52964