There is a new kid in town,

huub vink

Staff member
or should I say and older kid has learned some new tricks......

Captain Kurt, well known to those who visit the CFS2 forums, has bought FSDS and made a very nice Salmson 2A2 for CFS2. The model shows and flies without problems in FS2004, however I still need to figger out how I can get it moving on the ground. It is great to have somebody again who willing to put the required effort in managing to learn how build 3D models and also want to share these with the community.

Captain Kurt's Salmson:




And while the paint is still wet in this one he is already working on a Nieuport 28

Good morning and a very Merry Christmas Huub.
Completely agree with your comments on the Salmson. I downloaded it in the hope that, like many CFS2 models it would work out of the box in FS9.
However, this being an aircraft too good to waste I decided to do a little "amateur" tinkering.
More in hope than anticipation I started by copying in the "piston engine" and "propeller" sections from the aircraft configuration of Nigel's 621.
Lo and behold, not only does the engine shut down and start properly, it rolls and takes off just fine.
Tested it for about 15 minutes without problems, so you might like to try it.

Since my (hopefully helpful) post has not received even a courteous acknowledgement from the addressee, may I safely assume that in future any suggestions I have to offer should be kept to myself?

I anyone has tried it, I hope it worked for you as it did for me.
You might have a little patience. Considering the time of year and other things going on in the world, people may have other personal things on their plate. Flight Simming takes 2nd place to real life.
Sorry Dave I didn't react earlier, but I was too busy with the usual Christmas obligations and painting Chris Lampard's Avia B-135 to read you post as careful as I should have.

Like you I have been busy with the air dynamics and managed to create something which makes the Salmson flyable. I normally use Airwrench for this, but noticed I couldn't edit the .air file which was done by Captain Kurt. (for instance I couldn't even make it a biplane (!) and I don't think Airwrench understands a water cooled radial engine). So I took Rob bruce's Bristol Fighter as starting point which went much better.
I have managed to get it flyable and it definitely flies, takes of and lands like a dream. However so far I'm not able to handle it on the ground.

Sorry again I missed your offer to test your improved flight dynamics, but I simple missed the last sentence of your post.
