There's no need for me to have all the fun.


So I made this layered Paint Kit for all of you to have as much fun as I have with the rebirth of Aeroplane Heaven's F3F-2 for FS2004.

All necessary layers are in Photoshop format (.psd), including the base Alpha textures.

Text has not not been rastitized and is easily edited. Star National Insignia are included as are the chevrons, chevron colors will have to be edited. Numbers can be edited with the Text Tool.

Have fun if you have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Sorry P-S-P people, maybe some one with P-S-P can download these and convert them in your format.

Should be up tomorrow, it will be a large download.

PSP 7.0 can open and work with Photoshop files just fine. I have PSP 7.0, don't use it because it just feels WEIRD after so many years of using Photoshop.
Any of the later versions of Paint Shop Pro can handle the .psd format. However, PhotoShop won,t handle the native PSP format.

Cheers, Paul

P.S. I have lost my copy of the AH F3F and I don't see it at their web site. Where can I get it; I am anxious to try some of these repaints.