They were right................


Flame On!
when they said that the AI get better on a better machine. I have been getting my a$$ shot off right regular (not by an SE5 though, Catch!) since my upgrade. Below is the conclusion of my latest sortie! I guess it's back to the "dark side".:icon_lol:

Ahh, you vill be treated better on zis zide anyvay! We have more advanced airkrafte. No holes!

I guess it's back to the "dark side".:icon_lol:

"NOT so fast suspicious guy !" {blows whistle .... a swarm of Bobbies appear with batons at the ready}

"'ullo 'ullo 'ullo wot've we got 'ere then ! Plans of the superior Se5a destined for Germany hmmmm ! That is a serious offence old boy. What's that Sergeant ? Did I hear you right ? He likes DR1's :isadizzy: ARREST THIS MAN :a1451:"
Ah yez... zat iz der fittink end to der Camel.... very nize.

Poo-poo PC10 colorz... right Fritzie?... good boy.. now go pee on Hanz!...
