I jsut installed Thicko's F2A-3 Brewster into FS2004. All animations work. The plane looks good. But it will not fly. It will start up, taxi, gain speed...just won't get off the ground....not even with full flaps. Definitely needs a FS2004 flight dynamics set. If I still had air wrench I would run the air and config files through it and see what it would do to get the plane flying...but since I lost all my sim stuff yesterday I am currently without it. Will have it back soon, once my new HD arrives and is installed.
Thicko's Gamma 2E, on the other hand, flies very very nice in FS2004 without any modifications. Just needs some FS2004 lighting (in place), a better 2D panel (on the list of tweaks) and some new skins (working on currently).