Hosting on line games
I am thinking about hosting a online game in the furture..Perhaps the PTO add on, it seems there are several men hiosting ETO and CFS3, But I haven't noticed alot of PTO games..Or MAW games..Any advice will be MOST welcome..
Hello HouseHobbit
One very important step to on line hosting is to keep it all stock aircraft,
What i mean by this is, If you have downloaded any add on aircraft to any of your installs (CFS3, PTO, MAW, ETO, ETC ) You will most certainly have players telling you they cant join your game because of a mismatch error because they don't have the same aircraft as you do when you try to host one of these games.
This doesn't mean that you have to delete any of your add ons,
All you have to do is disallow those add on aircraft before you post your game.
When you click multilayer, click host game, bottom of window you will see where it says Change, and Aircraft restrictions , just scroll through the list and uncheck (remove the red dot from box) of any of the planes that you may have added to the game
And it dose not matter how many add ons that a potential player has added to his games , As long as you post with all stock aircraft everyone should be able to get in when you host