This game never ceases to amaze me!


Rick Rawlings

Flying on a mission the other day when I came across two planes duking it out below me and figured I should check it out. Turns out a Camel and a DR1 were having a real dogfight. The german was obviously an ace from the bright coloration of his plane, and I suspect the Camel jockey was too from the way he was throwing that crate around. I thought about jumping in, but our boy seemed to have everything well under control, and as I am quite leery of mid-air collisions as of late, I just headed off to attack a German ballon. I'll throw a screen shot up when I get home and see if anyone can tell the pilots from their planes; the sense of a "living war" in this sim is as good as I've seen!

Rick turn on labels next time for just a second and read the names. That would be cool if we could confirm a named ace versus a named ace dogfight with just computer AI.
Rick turn on labels next time for just a second and read the names. That would be cool if we could confirm a named ace versus a named ace dogfight with just computer AI.
Good Point, here's the picture. I think I figured out the German, but maybe someone can spot that smart chap in the Camel.


p.s. seems EVERYONE loves OFF!!:woot:
Last week, my alter-ego, Karl, was shot down over enemy territory and was captured. :help:

According to the OFF interface, he escaped fourteen days later. :wiggle:

When he got back to base, he was "promoted" from the Halberstadt to an Albatros DII. :d

Now there's some luck! :wavey:
I sometimes put labels on for just a few seconds to see if I am fighting an ace. I encountered a guy named Gros flying an Alb DIII over Vimy Ridge during the big battle in April 1917. It was veery difficult to shoot him down. We were dogfighting for like 7 minutes. I shot him down and he crashed onto some trees. He also managed to put some bullets on my plane. It seems that these are real aces out there...