This has been bugging me for some time.......


On Gnoopy's B-29 and RB-50 aircraft, why does his B-29 have nothing but a transparent disk for the prop blur, no matter what I do, and yet his RB-50 has a super prop blur our of the box?



Check the Common Textures folder, I'm betting it's in there. I don't have the package curently installed, but I remember that the VC textures are there too. If I remember right, the instructions were to take the common textures and either copy them to every texture folder OR copy them to the main fs9\texture, which is the fallback if a texture file is not in the a/c's folders.

Well ... seem's it's a little different than Cazzie for the B-29 props :)

For the B-29 and B-50 .. I use also the string
Better animation ... (not really visible in a screenshot)

Additional note about the B-29

The plane go to right when taking off (and no wind) cause engines position in the model.

If you want it running straight use this modif in aircraft.cfg

//0=Piston, 1=Jet, 2=None, 3=Helo-Turbine, 4=Rocket, 5=Turboprop
engine_type = 0
fuel_flow_scalar = 0.76
engine.0 = 11.2861, -31.03337, 1.3452,
engine.1 = 12.6969, -14.11413, 0,
engine.2 = 12.6969, 14.11413, 0
engine.3 = 11.2861, 31.03337, 1.3452




If you want the four-balde prop blur, it's there. There's three spin_prop texture files. Two of them are prefixed with camera stills and human eye. The default is identical to the human eye variant. Just back up the original if you want to, then rename the camera stills version, deleting the prefix.
I am such an idiot!

I did not drop the Common textures into the base textures on the B-29. What a fool I am. All is fine now.
