There is no indication anywhere on the retail game about Steam controlling this game but beware.
Installing the game from the retail disk involves downloading the files online from Steam.
Steam support is crapola. Support tells you to read the FAQ. If you can't find your answer in the FAQ, you're SOL.
At this moment I'm trying to launch CoD and have to wait over half a hour as per the attached jpgView attachment 49892.
Understand that the game is already installed! I'm hoping this 30+ minute launch is only the patch.
But no matter, I can't control my airplanes anyway in this game and nobody answers my plea.
a couple of things Rich...please do not post in all comes across as yelling.

if no one answers your posts it may well be that they don't have an answer...i myself did not buy the boxed version so i can't help you with that.

we all know the game requires Steam to run....i don't really like it but thats the way it is.

here are a couple of places that may be of some help...
There's no getting around playing Cliff's of Dover without Steam.

If it's taking 30 minutes to load the sim there's something wrong someplace. Could it be your internet connection causing the long wait?
a couple of things Rich...please do not post in all comes across as yelling.

if no one answers your posts it may well be that they don't have an answer...i myself did not buy the boxed version so i can't help you with that.

we all know the game requires Steam to run....i don't really like it but thats the way it is.

here are a couple of places that may be of some help...

How can you speak for everyone or know what everybody else knows?

Interestingly, I have repeatedly heard overly sensitive people saying caps denote yelling. Personally I think this is nonsense
and people only being taught this but I consider caps as raising my voice to be heard, nothing else. Moreover, I can say that
all lower case denotes whispering which all the overly sensitive people would consider nonsense.

The 30 minute load time was, indeed, the latest updates/patches. My Comcast internet connection is basically ultra-fast.

Thanks for your replies,everyone. :salute:
Glad to hear it's ok now Rich, and was only an update. But at least you know how things go around the Philly area.... slow. It's the same here in DE these days. LOL
we all know the game requires Steam to run....i don't really like it but thats the way it is.

We on here might all know it, but that is because we have the game. I for one certainly didn't know it until I had downloaded it, installed it and, like Rich, wondered just what was going on.

Interestingly, I have repeatedly heard overly sensitive people saying caps denote yelling. Personally I think this is nonsense
and people only being taught this but I consider caps as raising my voice to be heard, nothing else. Moreover, I can say that
all lower case denotes whispering which all the overly sensitive people would consider nonsense.

IT IS AN INTERNET STANDARD THAT TYPING IN ALL CAPS IS YELLING AT THE READER. If you read that as I was yelling at you that was not how it was meant but for the majority of us that is a very rude line of text.

Believe it or not it also has a few other meanings. CAPS

To me it has always meant that the person typing the information is yelling and or lazy because they choose not to use proper sentence structure.

Whispering is always represented by a smaller font than the rest of the text.

Myself I prefer that persons type as best they can with proper sentence structure.

Honestly when I see someone typing all caps I just ignore the post. Its an immediate red flag to me.

Now back on topic.

Yes Cliffs of Dover is a Steam Game. The only benefit you get from having the DVD is that it is easier to do the initial install, and any subsequent installs. After that Steam should keep it updated to the latest official release. Bewarey of the Beta patches. You may want to wait a day before you apply it. Always back up the steam apps folder before you upgrade to a beta patch so you can go backwards.

Steam has its good points and bad points. I am not sure that I really like it but it seems to be doing no harm right now.

Something you may want to note if you want to edit the config files directly on your PC running Cliffs of Dover be sure to turn off "Enable steam Cloud synchronization for IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover"

You can find the option in the Steam Library right click on the IL-2 game and select properties. Its under Updates.
