This is different!


Charter Member 2016
FS2004/FSX Loire Nieuport LN-411
Name: Size: 6,205,032 Date: 05-27-2009
FS2004/FSX Loire Nieuport LN-411, complete package, with full moving parts, animations, custom panel and a full virtual cockpit. (SP2 / Acceleration compatible.) The model has full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gear, flaps, opening canopy, steering wheel, cockpit animations), an original custom 2D panel and a full animated VC. By Patrice Grange.[/SIZE]

Haven't tried it yet, working on my Connies! Looks like something Ito-san might have made.

This is one of those aircraft that make me question the French aesthetic in aeronautical engineering. :confused:

What a beast!
This is one of those aircraft that make me question the French aesthetic in aeronautical engineering. :confused:

What a beast!

Well this was supposed to be the French Navy counterpart of the Stuka.
As was typical with french A/C of that era, largely underpowered but the retractable landing gear (extended in diving phase to serve as an airbrake) made it an overall better design.

Used at the outbreak of the German invasion with very imited success due to heavy german air defenses.