This is driving me nuts..


SOH-CM-2024 I gotta ask for some opinions.

Which of these two Heading Indicators is the accurate one?

These are taken from two different German WWII a/c, sitting in the same spot on Runway 35 facing North ready for takeoff.



Thanks in advance. :ernae:

Just an uneducated guess, I'd say the bottom pic is correct...:kilroy:
Yep. Bottom Pic. Nose of the little airplane symbol pointing in the same direction the nose of the real aircraft is pointing!

I hate the radio compasses that have no arrow head or paint, just a pointed end, and no "feathers" at the other end! LOL! Hard to tell which way you are headed, specially with these now 4-F eyes of mine. He He He :banghead:!

LDF :wavey:
I have that issue with the Bf-109G series (Flight Replicas). I thought they patched it but cannot find one. The aircraft should point to the tuned navaid; mine works backwards...

Is there a fix, anybody?

EDIT: My quick fix since I have them; swap in the 109K or 262 Compass as they both work correctly.
Well, here's the rest of the story.. :wavey:

Both gauges are from WoP aircraft. The top one is standard and the lower one I modified.

I have a couple books in my library on WWII cockpits, and from what I can tell the lower one is how it should look and function. I should also add that this conforms to other similar, non-German gauges including the mini-panel where the thick bar always points North.

If anyone knows of any additional references, that would confirm my suspicions.

Funny thing is that I've had some of the aircraft since they were first released and never paid much attention to the gauge until now. :running:

Thanks for your input

both logic and common practice say #2 is correct. Since it's a WOP gauge you've had for a while have you checked their website for any patches?
both logic and common practice say #2 is correct. Since it's a WOP gauge you've had for a while have you checked their website for any patches?
Yes, I have. No mention of any patches on their main site or within thier forum.

But I think something else is going on here that I can't figure out.

I have four different German aircraft from WoP, each with its own gauge .cab files which include the heading indicator. Each xml and associated files are very similar and the indicators are all setup to point North. Yet when I load the aircraft the indicator points South.

I have tons of other payware, donationware and freeware aircraft with absolutely no compass or heading indicator problems.

Like I said, this is driving me nuts... :isadizzy:

Sometimes, things are more the way they seem than they actually are...:pop4:
Sometimes, things are more the way they seem than they actually are...:pop4:
Ah, yes. But I would not be the person I am without trying to change things the way they should be. :jump:

Okay, here's the full story. Believe it or not.

Each Heading Indicator gauge associated with the WoP German aircraft is upside down. To correct the gauges for all of my WoP German aircraft, I ended up modifying six (6) cab files.

Within each cab file is a bitmap called heading_indcator_arrow.bmp. Although the xml file says that all should point 'North', you will find that the aircraft image points downward. Assuming the North is up, this means it actually points South as I've shown in my earlier screenshot.

So, here is the process to correct the problem. Make sure you keep a copy of the original cab file before you do this.
1. Create a folder someplace and copy cabdir.exe from the FS9 root directory.
2. Find the related WoP cab file and extract to a folder of the same name. I did mine in the folder I created for cabdir.
3. Find and open the file. I used Paint Shop Pro. Then invert and save. The aircraft image should point upwards.
4. Create a new cab file by dragging the entire folder to cabdir.exe.
5. Copy the new cab file back to the FS9 gauge folder.

So, now I know where I'm headed in my WoP Dora. :icon_lol:

I was just going to say thats a flipped bitmap! Don't have installed but maybe that was fixed in a update?
I was just going to say thats a flipped bitmap! Don't have installed but maybe that was fixed in a update?
The Dora had an update which I installed, but no fix. I didn't find any patches for the other WoP aircraft. I posted the issue on their forum, but got no acknowledgement that it was a problem. :monkies:

