This is not Free French!


Charter Member 2016
It is from No. 326 Sqn RAF, otherwise referred to as GC II/7 "Nice".

This squadron does not qualify, under the correct legal status, as "Free French", as it was part of the ex-Vichy Air Force which came on-side after November 1943. Only those units serving in Allied Forces before November 1943 are entitled to use the term "Free French" - by law! This belongs, quite simply, to the French Air Force. Well, sort of...

But it's pretty enough to see...
great!! So now, I will be able ti fly with GC II/7 "Nice" over Tunisia, Corsica with the Spit MkV and over Germany with this MkIX! :jump:
That's cool!

But at first, I thought the thread was called...

This is not Free Lunch!

I guess I'm hungry or something...:rapture: