This is NOT my best week


I am so fed up with FS9 at the moment, I'm about to find another hobby. :toilet:

My week consisted of the usual BS on the job. Our pet cat of 18 years got really sick and had to be put to sleep yesterday. So, my emotions are not the best. :crybaby:

So, I turn to my hobby for some relaxation.

Recently, I reinstalled my AH Lancasters and worked on improving frame rates. When I discovered there was an updated version, I got the update installed only to find some texture issues. Baz, bless his heart, is helping to solve the problem. :typing:

So, I move on to fly another aircraft, the MAAM TBM. I go to load it, and bam - the main gauge causes and error and the program aborts. Now, I did a lot of testing with the MAAM folks and thought they had found a MAAM_TBM.gau that was stable. So, I had to reload FS9 and got things working.

Today, to get my mind off my grief, I went to fly the Just Flight Vulcan I recently purchased. And bam, back to the destop. This time it was the PSS-Vulcan.gau. I had a problem with this before and thought I solved it by referencing it in the OldModules part of FS9, but I guess not. Here is some for FS2002 that has a gauge that causes problems in FS9.

After all these years of a stable install, things are now unstable in FS9 and I cannot figure out why. Nothing major was done. No new aircraft except for the Lanc and Vulcan as mentioned. Why do these gauge files cause so much instablity.

I need a very stiff adult beverage. :ernae: Then I'm going to return to FS9 and fly something I know will not cause a CTD.

Wish I could help but I have virtually no issues in Fs9 (FSGW3). Now FsX...or The Sim With Attitude...that's another matter.

Hope you sort it.
Are you flying in the same area/scenery? Would rule that out first, the JF Vulcan and the Avenger install additional scenery, not sure about the Lanc. I know that duplicate AF2 files can CDT, and other scenery issues can be problematic.

I'd try a default area with bare bones airport. If your Vulc was working before it may be something else?

i cannot help much but a stiff beverage sounds good
sorry to hear of your problems
tomorow is another day
Hey WH,

I feel your pain Sir.

I lost my friend, Egyptian Siamese, Katja.. She was cool. I would wake up and she would be sitting on my chest looking at me, lol..

A couple of times I came home from work and found that she had delicately climbed up into my huge book case cabinetry and was hiding behind some Bugattis and Tie Fighters, pretending she was invisible. Funniest kid you ever met.

Relax, have a beverage, count your blessings.

With FS, when you start having alot of addons, updates, etc, things can go astray. Like the guys said, it could even be scenery. My thoughts are that if you have vista, that could be doing it. I hope I am wrong, but vista has issues with program securities, etc. Try another airport. Try a different plane, then change planes to the one you wanted to fly and see if it transitions ok.

....and heal up brother!


I wish I could help with the FS issues, but at least I can offer my sympathies for the loss of the cat. My wife and I were holding our Pomeranian when she had to be put down a few years back - we both bawled.
Sorry to here about your loss, I have been there with a 2 dogs we had, it is not a nice experience.

I find myself tinkering with FS9 more than running now, and I do take a break from it every once in a while but I always come back.
Really sorry to hear that mate, it's never an easy experience. We have a 14 year old dog, and know the time's not far away now and frankly we're both dreading it.
On the mend..

It's Saturday morning, and I'm feeling a little more normal.

Flight simming has always been a way for me to relax, and when things go south when you need to get your mind off things it doesn't help.

The wife and I had a nice lunch with adult beverages, and later watched a movie while sipping some wine. I reinstalled my JF Mossie and that solved the corrupt VC textures. After adding Shessi's new skins and took a few flights, and I got back to enjoying the sim.

As for the issue with the gauges for the TBM and Vulcan, I'll do some more testing throughout the weekend. My guess is that there was something else running in the background that was causing a memory conflict. Not sure. Kind of wish there was a utility to either help identify what causes gauge files to randomly crash the sim. The only new scenery on my system is the Cottesmore scenery that came with the Vulcan, and I haven't even had time to check it out yet.

Thank you all for your kind comments. Cheers :ernae:

Hey WH ~

Can't help with the PC issues but I certainly, like many others here, understand your loss and know your pain first hand. Right after Christmas we lost our 22 year old Siamese, Casey. We miss him as does his great grand daughter who was "raised" by him. She, like we, still listen for him! She (Sophie) has become my footwarmer on flight nights. She curls up right beside my rudder pedals and keeps me company.

You won't stop missing her but the pain will lession over time. Busying yourself with your PC issues will help.

All the best,
We too had to put our cat down a few years ago and it was very hard. They really are part of the family. The place just doesn't feel right without our furry friends.

We took some time off and then just had to get another one. Rescued it from a shelter. She was just about a year old. After about a year we decided to get her a friend of her own (and ours). We got another cat.
They hit it off like we never thought they could. Best friends. They are a blast!

My advice, take some time off and then get a new furry friend. You won't regret it.
Three cats and two Scotties for me - the cats are mine really, or rather I am the cats.... The dogs are Mrs Kurt's......

Can't imagine not having my felines around.

I lost Spud, the dog in my avatar, a tad over two years ago. He was the most amazing dog I have even had the pleasure of sharing life with. At the age of 17 months, he suddenly went into cluster seizures. Got him to the vet for emergency treatment...he did not make it through the night...those cluster seizures have a very very low survivability rate. He was part Basenji, and one of that breeds genetic woes is hypothyroidism, which leads to seizures. If we had known that before hand, a $50 blood test and 3 cent a day pills would have kept him managed and healthy. Still miss him like crazy, and there are still days when just the thought of him will send me into a nice round of snotty sobs.

We were lucky in that we had another dog, Brutus, to help us cope with Spud's loss. Brutus is a Chihuahua/Jack Russell Terrier mix (I refuse to call the breed a Parson Russell Terrier). Quite an interesting mix in him. 12 pounds, but has the energy of an atomic reactor and the spirit of 12 football teams. Brutus learned to be a good dog while growing up in Spud's shadow.

February of last year, my wife surprised me with a puppy. I opened my eyes to see her holding a 1.1 pound Chihuahua female pup. The moment that little pup was in my hands, the bond was set. She is my girl! In so many ways, she is Spud much so that my wife frequently says that Spud missed me so much that he came down from doggie heaven, took the shape of a little girl Chihuahua, and found his way back to me. There are times that this seems likely, as Hazel is nearly as amazing as Spud was. Smart, loving, vocal, playful, adventerous, boistrous, bold, tough. I don't even like Chihuahuas, but absolutely love Hazel...from her little brown nose, to her hazel eyes, from the mule-like mane that runs the length of her neck to the way she cusses me out when I have been more than 10 feet from her (she has a vocabulary of noises that only a Basenji owner would understand).
