Thought I'd share a few more repaints.


Charter Member
Since the gang here has been so receptive and supportive of my repainting efforts, I'm giving you advance warning that I'll be releasing what I consider to be the better ones, as well as those I created for some of the short films I've made over the years.

First up will be the "Mountie Tiger" that I plan to have available on my downloads page over the weekend. I'll let you all know when it's up.

The MT is a repaint of the Warwick Carter/Garry Smith "Aussie Tiger" based on the RCMP Air Services commemorative paint scheme as applied to the Turbo Beaver they acquired in their centennial year. I did the repaint for two short films I made a few years back, both of which can be viewed on my YouTube channel. I will warn you now, BOTH films are a little salty in the language department so check any delicate sensibilities you might have at the door while you're buying popcorn.

The first, "Mountie Tiger", is at

The second, "Rebels Without a Flight Plan" is at

Here are some screen shots of the Mountie Tiger, coming soon to a download page near you!




