thought I'd throw these up..


Charter Member
I noticed hardly anyone posting here in this forum which is too bad.. Anyone that knows me knows i'm not a proselyte but X-Plane has become a great Sim.. I have too admit, i'm enjoying it.. Yeahhh, its a bit more complex too fly and its different, but its still very much a blast.. Anyway, some of my favorites..



Well, i'd post more but it seems my image sizes ( 1024x540 ) are all too large.. Sorry..


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Thanks Warchild...yes X-Plane is becoming a great sim. The aircraft were always cutting edge but the scenery was so pathetic and longer the case!
yeahh, its frikkin gorgeous.. That top pic was taken on a flight through papua. I admit i also use the NOAA weather plugin so i was getting actual winds and storms popping up on me.. Even in the giant Late' it was one of the most frightening hours i have ever had.. I loved it. In fact, the way it looks is one of the main reasons i fly it so much. You cant see the tiles, so no matter where your at, its seamless scenery.. having good supporting pluggins like the NOAA plugin is a great addition, and airports you can download till your blue in the face.. I still have FSX, but i'm not ready to touch it again yet.. Too much happened in the last few months i was using it, but X-plane has grown up and gotten all beautiful and everything.. i'm lovin it..




I AM a stubborn and determined old cuss ::lol::..
Hope you folks like the pics..


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Awesome. A friend of mine flies that caravan and he loves it.. I'm kind of a stick in the mud so i've mostly been flying the regional's..
Carenado's offering of the Beech Bonanzas



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One of the things I really have grown to like is the enhancements to the airports. XP is allowing users to submit scenery for airports. They are included with the new releases. There is some really nice custom scenery provided by the users.

My Dad has been working on KOPN and he thinks its really easy to add and manipulate scenery in XP.
One of the things I really have grown to like is the enhancements to the airports. XP is allowing users to submit scenery for airports. They are included with the new releases. There is some really nice custom scenery provided by the users.

My Dad has been working on KOPN and he thinks its really easy to add and manipulate scenery in XP.

Probably the most improved area in X-Plane are the incredible sceneries, especially airports with tons of ground and air traffic.
Here's few shots from 10.35 demo. In the night shot, it was cool to see a police cruiser moving pretty quick with lights flashing!


Cruiser directly below the aircraft, just ahead of the 18 wheeler.

I like the way the traffic below looks like real cars not the boxy stuff you see on FSX. I also love the look of the cities. X-Plane is getting better and better on scenery.
Great looking pictures! Both scenery and aircraft. Please share your system and software setup. Soon as I get my simpanel built I am going to build a computer to meet the task of running XP on higher settings. Jake
Thanks, Jake, here are my system specs:
CPU - Intel Core i5-4670K, 3.6 GHz @ 4.0 GHz
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H ´
Memory G Skill F3-12800CL9-4GBSR 2x 4 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM
Video Adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (3 GB)
Monitor AOC 2343 [23" LCD]
Operating System Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Saitek X52 Pro
Running X-Plane 10.35 64Bits HDR active with RealTerraHaze for visual and several other plugins.
I agree those are great shots Carvalho. That third pic about real as it gets! :applause: