Thoughts - Non-Market Place Purchases


From what we've seen & heard most if not all of our old non-marketplace software is going to be compatible with the new sim. But what I wonder about is the actual installation compatibility.

A. Those that used the simple unzip and copy to the Community folder method should install with no issues. Is that a correct assumption?

B. Those that used their own installation routines (msi,exe,etc) might need new installer updates to find MSFS2024. Is that a correct assumption?

Reason for thinking about this, is that I'm getting to nuke MSFS2020 and then scavenge hunt for all the loose ends, for a clean install of 2024. Not worried about something that won't install right away, just wondering in advance. :)

You're probably right, but what I would suggest is that as long as there is no activation routine, just make a copy of the content currently in your Community folder. Any time I have to use an installer to put a plane into my Community folder, the first thing I do is make a zipped copy and store that in a separate location. The second thing I do is run any uninstaller, and then check the Add/Remove programs list and make sure it's not listed there (and use the uninstall option there if it is). Once all of that's done, I go back to my zipped copy and extract that right back into my Community folder. So far, I've had zero issues.
I thought about saving the Community folder at first, but then got the attitude that anything that has the unzip and copy method will have a MSFS2024 right from the start. Anything that uses an install routine will go on a wait and think about it list.

I don't get those ones that have an uninstall function but then don't actually uninstall when you go to use it. I had about a half dozen that I had to manually remove them and then track down the registry entry to get them out of the Installed Apps list. Most of the ones that don't go away are airport sceneries, so that may be a matter of looking at the new default version and deciding if they are really needed or not.
