This is another polite appeal (it has been requested before) to Admin to rename this thread/forum to MSFS, rather than FS2020 (which doesn't exist and is misleading) please 
I'm mindful of the mantra "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!" (the subheading for The Simulators thread/forum), but there comes a point where using the wrong name becomes detrimental (i.e. unhelpful). Anytime I do a search using the term MSFS I'm now less likely to have hits at SOH, which is a negative for SOH (e.g. fewer users and therefore declining funds). Many of us here have been around long enough to be diehard SOH users, but there are many others who haven't been around for so long (still more who are completely new to flight sim as a genre) who only know MSFS as MSFS and are therefore less likely to ever come across the wonderful place we have here (esp. in the age of Reddit). IMO this is an "unforced error" and an "own goal"... Granted it may be perceived by many as small/tiny issue, but any obstacles to recruitment can only mean a decline for SOH, which I'm sure none of us want to see

I'm mindful of the mantra "Let Being Helpful Be More Important Than Being Right!" (the subheading for The Simulators thread/forum), but there comes a point where using the wrong name becomes detrimental (i.e. unhelpful). Anytime I do a search using the term MSFS I'm now less likely to have hits at SOH, which is a negative for SOH (e.g. fewer users and therefore declining funds). Many of us here have been around long enough to be diehard SOH users, but there are many others who haven't been around for so long (still more who are completely new to flight sim as a genre) who only know MSFS as MSFS and are therefore less likely to ever come across the wonderful place we have here (esp. in the age of Reddit). IMO this is an "unforced error" and an "own goal"... Granted it may be perceived by many as small/tiny issue, but any obstacles to recruitment can only mean a decline for SOH, which I'm sure none of us want to see