Three new repaints for Milton & company Spartan

Really happy to see military Spartan's here at the Outhouse!!!!
My Grandfather owned and restored sn10 N17605 in the late . He was lucky enough to collect photo's of its life before it was ran off into a dry creek bed in the mid 40's. SN10 had served as a miltary airplane and even had a 30 cal mounted facing backwards through the top of the rear cabin. I'll ask my Dad to scan some of the pics so I can post'em here for your enjoyment/reference. We sold sn10 about 12 years ago and is now in Arizona.
When I get Nostalgic, I take the Spartan out with the paint done of 17605 and go buzz around and think of my Grandfather. He was a wonderful man and a amazing pilot and Mechanic. Thanks to Milton and the repainters who have done the spartan justice!!!
Here's a Picture of my Grandpa Don (L) with Clete Roberts (R) in 1968. Some may recognize Clete, He was Los Angeles based News Reporter and Vietnam war corespondent. My Grandfather found the Spartan- Wrecked in a Dry riverbottom with a tree growing through the centersection in the mid 60's and brought it home and restored it. This airplane has one of the more amazing histories to it being a Bendix trophy racer flown by Arlene Davis and having served its country. Enjoy.

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Beautiful work; great contributions; thank you norab for the repaints, and sctybdy for the story and pics. :applause:
Thanks for sharing sctybdy, it's amazing how few pictures of the Spartans in military livery exist, of 34 produced, 16 were used by the USAFF, another 3 used by the RAF, one to the Nationalist
Chinese, 3 served on both sides during the Spanish Civil War and 1 equipped with a throne was purchased by the king of Iran. Most of the current survivors are ex USAAF UC-71's
I also meant to mention to Milton how impressed I am with his Spartan. I am blown away by how accurate his Spartan is to the real thing. I was lucky enough to fly our Spartan with my Dad and this Model is about as close as someone can get in a sim. Milton really hit the nail on the head!!!
Some may recognize Clete, He was Los Angeles based News Reporter and Vietnam war corespondent.

I thought he looked familiar, though I remember him as the interviewer in a M*A*S*H episode that was shot in B&W.

Cool pic. Great a/c history. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah, He did the that episode of Mash. He had his Hangar directly across from my Grandfathers and they were good friends. He was a really neat guy, though I dont remember much of him being pretty young at the time. Clete Died in the mid 80's, but his Daughter is still friends with my parents and is still around the airport. I do remember clete having a neat J3 and a Buhl Pup. The Pup is still around the airport.
My apologies to all who may have downloaded it, but a problem with the natural metal UC-71 has just been brought to my attention. I have upload a re4vised readme file to the fs2004 skins esction.The revised .cfg change in this readme will correct a problem with the display of the natural metal texture. My apologies for any aggravation this has caused. this was just brough to my attention by Ascout. This problem only occurs with the Natural metal repaint

I have also uploaded a revised complete repaint, please look for UC-71 natural metal V.2, Thank you and again my apologies