Three small issues (help please)



Hi Gang

Loving OFF at the moment...with the tweaks I have found on here, it looks lovely! (with FPS at a healthy 40+ most of the time..woohoo)

Couple of small issues I need help with though please?

1) I appear to have 'tearing' graphics when I look round with TrackIR...Had this a bit in P2, but sorted it mostly..but quite bad in P3.. Nvidia 8800GTX card...I am sure there is a workaround to improve this..but cant find it

2) Before I did something (goodness knows what!) in QC when I selected a flight, and went to the mission, the 'walking pilots' graphic came up, and moments later..I was flying...Now, I go to the old pilot kneeling and the aircraft in the background.... also, when I die in QC (a very common phenomena!) the screen goes to the pilot killed screen, even before I have crashed properly!?.... No big deal, but I don't like change that I am not expecting!

3) nothing major this one, and possibly just me...but I don't see damage, even with it set in workshop.
Like I said, probably me, but worth a quick ask

Thanks for any help people :wavey:
I'm not the man who can help on the other issues, but read somewhere, that you don't see damage, when planes are on highest resolution (I think, it was from WINDER).
Hope, you enjoy P3.

Thanks guys

Issue's 2 & 3 appear to have sorted themselves out after firing the game up again (go figure)

Just the graphic hiccup now
Thanks guys

Issue's 2 & 3 appear to have sorted themselves out after firing the game up again (go figure)

Just the graphic hiccup now

The tearing graphics are almost certainly down to having v-sync turned off. You'll see higher fps, but largely irrelevant unless your PC is borderline on graphics power because v-sync on caps your fps at the refresh-rate of your monitor or half of it when fps is particularly low (which is why some people have it off and put up with the tearing).

In CFS3, with v-sync on, I was getting a solid 60fps. With it off I see up to 230fps. There's tearing but only in fast pans with TiR and not really noticeable unless I'm looking for it. I don't need it off in CFS3, but I suspect I will in OFF.