Hi Gang
Loving OFF at the moment...with the tweaks I have found on here, it looks lovely! (with FPS at a healthy 40+ most of the time..woohoo)
Couple of small issues I need help with though please?
1) I appear to have 'tearing' graphics when I look round with TrackIR...Had this a bit in P2, but sorted it mostly..but quite bad in P3.. Nvidia 8800GTX card...I am sure there is a workaround to improve this..but cant find it
2) Before I did something (goodness knows what!) in QC when I selected a flight, and went to the mission, the 'walking pilots' graphic came up, and moments later..I was flying...Now, I go to the old pilot kneeling and the aircraft in the background.... also, when I die in QC (a very common phenomena!) the screen goes to the pilot killed screen, even before I have crashed properly!?.... No big deal, but I don't like change that I am not expecting!
3) nothing major this one, and possibly just me...but I don't see damage, even with it set in workshop.
Like I said, probably me, but worth a quick ask
Thanks for any help people
Loving OFF at the moment...with the tweaks I have found on here, it looks lovely! (with FPS at a healthy 40+ most of the time..woohoo)
Couple of small issues I need help with though please?
1) I appear to have 'tearing' graphics when I look round with TrackIR...Had this a bit in P2, but sorted it mostly..but quite bad in P3.. Nvidia 8800GTX card...I am sure there is a workaround to improve this..but cant find it
2) Before I did something (goodness knows what!) in QC when I selected a flight, and went to the mission, the 'walking pilots' graphic came up, and moments later..I was flying...Now, I go to the old pilot kneeling and the aircraft in the background.... also, when I die in QC (a very common phenomena!) the screen goes to the pilot killed screen, even before I have crashed properly!?.... No big deal, but I don't like change that I am not expecting!
3) nothing major this one, and possibly just me...but I don't see damage, even with it set in workshop.
Like I said, probably me, but worth a quick ask
Thanks for any help people