Throttle problem with SU7 and Logitech Extreme


Logitech Extreme 3D Pro and SU7

If I begin a flight at a runway by first advancing the throttle to get moving then slowing down to get to another part of the airport by twisting the control to turn, the sim advances the throttle FULL ON. Very strange!!! Then while on the ground manually flipping the throttle down will slow the engine. But if the engine is left full on and the plane takes to the air the throttle has no effect slowing down the engine. Looking at an external view the engine display shows full on. Moving the throttle the engine display shows briefly a speed indicator following the throttle movement and another steady speed indicator full on. :dizzy:

Landing the plane with full on engine was difficult but it was possible with the Cessna. Braking slowed the plane but rudder control was not working as expected. At some speeds the direction of turn was opposite expected. At a very low speed it was as expected.

These problems happened after SU7 with several aircraft, with two separate Logitech controllers and different USP ports to the computer.

Am I alone seeing this?
Check your controller bindings in Settings. You might have some axis controls mis- or even double assigned.
Check your controller bindings in Settings. You might have some axis controls mis- or even double assigned.

I have reviewed my settings to the best of my understanding and made a minor change that did not affect my results. I have also used John's procedure to login to the Microsoft store which has correct some problems for him. It did not help my problem.

With further testing I have come to a surprising conclusion. The ground physics I get are different from when I begin a flight at a starting runway point or from a parking space. The plane, controller and controller settings were the same in both cases. When starting from a parking spot the plane taxied correctly before and after landing. Starting off from a selected runway the plane would not taxi correctly before or after landing as described in the first message in this thread. If I want a reasonable flight I must begin from a parking area.

Either I have a compromised install, a yet undetermined incorrect controller setting or there is a program design or program bug. I don't understand why I see two different ground taxing results starting from a parking or runway takeoff point.

Because no one has indicated they can duplicate my problem I am hesitant notifying Asobo.

Is performing a REPAIR on msfs a reasonable option?
