Thrustmaster Joystick question


Charter Member
I just purchased two Thrustmaster joysticks in a closing down sale. They were demo stock so no drivers boxes etc.

One is a thrustmaster Top Gun After Burner Force Feedback and the other a plain thrustmaster Force Feedback.

When I plug either of these into a USB port, powered or non powered they do not register at all. CH controllers or Saitek controllers work in the tried ports.

Both sticks have two leads a USB lead and another very short lead with a round connector. So I am not sure if anything is missing, some sort of power adaptor or something.

I only paid AU$20.00 for them both so I am not out of pocket if they are no good. But since I do not own any Force Feedback sticks it would be nice to get them working.

Does anyone here use Thrustmaster Joysticks and have any ideas why they may not show up when plugged in?

Cheers MarkL
I downoladed and installed the driver. When I got to the section where it asaked me to plug in the joystick nothing happened as the PC can not see the joystick.

Cheers MarkL
Thanks Tom,
Now know what I am missing. The site I found that I downloaded the drivers from looked to be a Thrustermaster site but did not have all the information that the site your link pointed to has.

I once saw that New Zealand had a sales rep for Thrustmaster. I spoke wit hhim at a Flight Sim Expo in Sydney a few years ago. I will check if PC Aviator in Australia knows of him.

Otherwise I will try to get one from the USA. I checked out both phamflets and both use the same power supply so one should do for both. But I will go back to the shop and see if they can find the missing bits as they are open for another two weeks yet.

Cheers MarkL
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