Ticked o.f.f.



I cannot believe I just spent sixty dollars on this simulator and I cannot make a mission with an aircraft that will show a flippin panel. At this point I should not have to go into files and edit them by hand every time. I have tried aircraft after aircraft all night long and not one will show a cockpit panel. What the !@#$%^&*
You have to use _Sqd or _QC1 craft in all your missions for the player flight.

Why the CFS3 mission builder is not showing the variations is something we are looking at and I hope to have that fixed soon so that you can select craft with panels for player flights and those without panels for the AI flights in your mission within the CFS3 MB - yes it helps FPS and is why it is done in P3 - this way we can have lots of aircraft in the sky and I recommend mission builders do the same.

At the moment then yes you will need to manually edit the player craft flight to use either _Sqd or _QC1 instantiation so as to have the panels:

Simply open the mission in notepad and only edit the player flight -

<Unit ID="9574" Type="Fokker_DVII_XXX" IsPlayer="y" Payload="0"/>


<Unit ID="9574" Type="Fokker_DVII_Sqd" IsPlayer="y" Payload="0"/>

You only have to do this for the player flight craft so a max of 8 craft names only ever have to be changed and takes seconds.

Yes its a pain - yes we did it for FPS reasons so as to make the air filled with craft from real squads on real missions with correct skins....not simple spawns as in P1 and P2


Thanx Winder

Thanks for the explanation. That helps a lot believe me. I will work on it after I have got a good days sleep. I try my best to hold back my temper. I have looked forward to P3 mission building for a long time. I am very happy that the AI will take off without crashing . Sweeteye:ernae:
You are welcome - yes it is a bit of a pain but the manual edit will see you right and its does not take long - seconds - just make the Player flight use _Sqd craft!

I will have a solution for this in 1.3 - but not for next patch alas - too busy right now for this.

