tilt game over perhaps some one can help me


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Hallo friends,
why I was so angry the last days:
my joystick tilted more and more so I had to calibrate him more and more even in flights
I tried to desinstall it with the outcome I dont know why as device it show me a gamepad and I can not desinstall it
every time i get a message I shall do it with the device manager, but this do not work
My pc is an old windows xp machine
So my question is:
is there a german speaking friend here who knows an expert who could help me please?
I live in munich
I've tried all my whole day but know I'm really tilted
And I fear that as I have not big resources the flightsim story ends here for me
Have you try'd shutting down PC, unplugging joystick then restart PC, when PC is running for a few minuets, plug joystick back in and see if Windows looks for the right software.

Could you start out by telling us what type of joystick you have? Then maybe even us non native German speakers might be able to help you.

In fact, I know for a fact that most people here would like to help you, but you have to help us by giving us the relevant details as brand and type of Joystick and then we take it from there.


If I understand correctly the joystick just isn't working right and can't be uninstalled. Often an uninstall problem arises when a devices software has become corrupt so the computer doesn't know what to uninstall. If you have the joystick install disc trying to repair the software might also fix the problem. If the problem is physical, like the stick parts are wearing out, fixing any software problem should at least allow you to uninstall it completely then you can decide what to do next. Don't forget to check Ebay for low-cost joysticks too, most used but some new. Viel Gluck!
Hallo Friends,
at first thank you to get some reply
Now I will be more precise, perhaps that will be usefull to find a solution
1. my joystick is a Saitek CYBORG 2000, the rudder pedals are simple CH-rudder pedals just with rudder function
2. both are cuppled together with the device shown on the joined photo and than plugged to the pc in an usb port
All did work well since this year when I had to recalibrate the joystick more and more times. things did get so worse that I have to recalibrate even during flights
I tried to remove the joystick and to use a very old joystick just with two buttons
the outcome was that suddenly I had the device shown in the second picture (I never had such one)
I tried to remove it and got the message just to see under it
but when I go in the Gerätemanager I can do nothing
I tried all to unplug all, than to shut down completely the pc
when I restarted the pc there where no more device shown,
but as soon I replugged all as before it did show again the wrong one and when I try to remove it the same cinema as before
as my pc is in a german config it is not sure that I translate all well in english
I have also an old thrustmaster topgun joystick with a separate thrustmaster attack throttle device,
but since I changed my mother bord years ago I never was able to make it work on this pc
before the ensemble thruster devices with the CH.rudder pedals worked very well together
So far for the moment
Thank you to have answered me
My guess is that the Manhattan serias bus/USB adapter you got there is faulty. Don't you have enough USB ports on your pc?

Hi Priller,
I have just one usb port free where my device was plugged in
also my rudder pedals and joystick have only serail ports and I do not such one on this pc
so I need a device to convert from serial to usb
with the older mainbord I had a sound card to connect the flightgears on
but the new motherboard did not accept a soundcard
I have looked for newer joysticks but they all have usb connectors only and no possibility to connect my old ch rudder pedals
and a combo joystick-rudder pedals are not affortable for me
what would be fine if some flightsim friend would be near munich and - - - (from what does I dream at night ?)
Hallo Friends,
I just tried some things again and always this damned game pad and this also damned message when I try to remove it
I m tired now, as my day for the moment begins at 03:00h in the morning (I have to work for two days from 06:00 to 14:00,
than two days from 14:00 -22:00 and at last from 22:00 - 06:00 than four days free and so on)
the main problem is to remove the gamepad from the pc (from the game devices)
I have tried some thing other by changing the usb port it seems that the port I used before is not all right. I have now plugged my flight gear into
the port where was my hub plugged in - but the main problem persists
I must try to sleep now
Is it really necessary to uninstall the stick?

Since the stick is clearly faulty - either the hardware or the software - it seems that you need a new stick.

If you get another stick and install it, what difference does it make if the faulty one remains installed? If you just unplug it and discard it, it seems that leaving the old software wouldn't matter. You could just plug in the new one, which would run on its own software.

To avoid software conflicts, I suppose you should make the new stick a different model, or better yet a different brand, than the old one.

I had two sticks installed on my old XP rig, one for FS and one with different buttons for MiG Alley. The sim responded to whichever stick was plugged in.

I wonder if that hub you have to use might complicate the situation but I doubt it.

Do you know anyone who lives close enough to you that they could let you borrow a stick, so you could see if it works before you spend money on a new stick?
Have to say, I'm in agreement with Mr Priller,
It looks likely your usb/serial bus converter is kaput

That's why your device is registering as a gamepad.


The cheapest way forward IMHO is change over to a USB hub. It will also aid in having the hardware recognized.


Hallo friends,
it realy seems to be the connection device that is making things go crazy (and myself)
As seen on the picture of this device there is switch with four different modes.
I played with and replugged it to the pc - paf the gamepad disapeared and I had again my old joystick.
But when I restarted the pc - the damned gearpad has come back. I unplugged the device played with the switch and joystick came back.
For me you was right in judging this device guilty.
All right, as soon I have free days I will search to find a new one (with no switch)
perhaps I can also find a joystick which has almost a serial connector.
I will not try via ebay or online buying as I do not thrust my pc to make money movements on it
As soon I have a new connection I will tell you if things go right with it
Now I want to exprim all my thanks for your suport
Thank You All
Hallo Priller,
thank you for asking of news.
as I'm still at work I had no time to see a device to replace my older one
As soon as I have time next week I will go to search a new parallel to usb device
As soon I will have got it and tested it I will let you know about the outcome