Tim Conrad (Piglet) Boeing Monomail 221 repaints

Whenever I have asked Tim for permission the answer has always been the same "SOH members have automatic rights to upload repaints to SOH" ...or words to that effect.
No JOy!

No joy, Piglet does not have visitor or private messages turned on, unable to leave him a message - the reason I posted on this public forum (smile) - Tim Conrad where the heck are you Sir? Take care.

Ed, try posting a message in the FSX forum, that's where he hangs out when he's here since he only develops for fsx now...
As far as I can recall, Piglet is very very open about doing repaints for his planes...heck, he provided paint kits for most of them. As long as the paints are uploaded to free sites, no money is being made off the work by the author or the hosting site, Piglet is cool about uploading repaints. Take a look over at Flightsim.com....tons and tons of paints for his planes...and plenty of them in the SOH library as well.

there you have it Ed.
if you still want permission,
like they said, he frequents the FSX forum.
i think patience is the key.
looking at Piglet's profile,
Last Activity
February 20th, 2011 17:58