Time to Evaluate SOH Viability Is Now

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
In 10 days, Ickie must pay for the flight server, and in 30 days pay for this server. We are at 41% of our goal now.

Because of where we stand now, we must evaluate alternatives to providing SOH services.

As you know, only your donations keep SOH going. As members, we must step up or be willing to consider other sources for our community involvement. Time is getting short and Ickie must consider alternatives now.

Do we wish to support this site and keep it alive and well? Only we as members can answer that question.

Time is getting very short and decisions need to be made pronto.

We need to meet a substantive part of our goal shortly to keep SOH active in its current state.

Decision time.

We greatly appreciate your support. If you can comfortably do that, now is the time to step up.

Thank you for whatever you can do.
In the admin lounge we were talking about the good old days when SOH had low bandwidth allotments.

Roger and Ickie were talking about how at the end of the month the downloads would have to be turned off to avoid hitting the bandwidth limit.

Those days maybe coming back soon if we can not raise enough money.

We know we have enough members to support the site but the number of unique donators has been on the decline every year while the number of people who download has continued to go up.

If you find SOH a value to your hobby please donate.
2 tier membership??

We already have that: Member+ and Chartered Member (with extra privileges). We are running two servers with heavy bandwidth use and continuing software and maintenance costs. To keep both this site and the Flight Center (for online multiplayer use) going we need your support. Please give generously!
Soh membership

I can appreciate the immense work involved and it would be very sad to lose soh after all these years because i have had immense enjoyment with this site if it comes to actually paying for the membership i will gladly do so because i think it is worth it how much more do you actually need for funding


in 10 days, ickie must pay for the flight server, and in 30 days pay for this server. We are at 41% of our goal now.

Because of where we stand now, we must evaluate alternatives to providing soh services.

As you know, only your donations keep soh going. As members, we must step up or be willing to consider other sources for our community involvement. Time is getting short and ickie must consider alternatives now.

Do we wish to support this site and keep it alive and well? Only we as members can answer that question.

Time is getting very short and decisions need to be made pronto.

We need to meet a substantive part of our goal shortly to keep soh active in its current state.

Decision time.

We greatly appreciate your support. If you can comfortably do that, now is the time to step up.

Thank you for whatever you can do.
Donation Drive Goal Reduced ...

Ickie has been researching for a better Flight Server deal and came up with a savings of $3000. Therefore the Donation Drive goal has been reduced from $14K to $11K. Thank you all for your feedback, input, and support. And, thank you Ickie for your efforts on this. :applause:
Bravo! very good!:encouragement:
But it distresses me to experience this situation every year, we should think of another way in providing some funds. Having a glass half full is better than completly empty.
From what has ben said maybe charging a fee for downloads would at leats rightly cover some expences.
I would like to have a survey with different proposals thrown arround.
From what has been said maybe charging a fee for downloads would at least rightly cover some expences.
I would like to have a survey with different proposals thrown arround.

This has been raised already gosd, but see this discussion on the FSX forum for some gotchas - especially following on to the second page. But it's very encouraging to see members contributing so much in the last couple of days: we are getting nearer thanks to their generosity!