tinmouse b 737-200 flaps


Charter Member
I just installed this plane, and discovered an odd thing. Using the buttons set on my Saitek EVO for incremental flap extension and retraction doesn't work properly. When getting ready to take off, if I press the button to extend flaps, they extend, and then immediately return to the original setting.

Using the native keyboard F6 and F7 keys works fine. But if I extend the flaps fully with keyboard F8, I get the same odd behavior: flaps start, and then return to previous position. Likewise for F5 after using F7 to extend flaps.

Other joystick operations are normal, including the two buttons set for elevator trim.

I don't even know where to begin to look.

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Did that. No reference as to specifics, save to say that controller buttons can be set in fsuipc, (as opposed to native fs9?)
Try loading up the default 737 and see if the same control inputs give you normal results. At least that way, you can eliminate controller issues.
I always load the default Cessna and scroll through the screens with it before loading anything else. Whether it has any benefit, I do not know !

I was going to suggest trying the Tinmouse forum at Avsim, but I see you've already beat me to it.

Been a while since I've flown the Tinmouse 737, but apart from checking all the relevant switches etc are on on the overhead panel, I can't offer any other suggestions.

Did that. No reference as to specifics, save to say that controller buttons can be set in fsuipc, (as opposed to native fs9?)

Also this:

"24. Implementation of alternate flap control system, and correct flap behavior based on available
hydraulic and electrical power. Changed in V1.30: Control of flaps may be performed with the
standard FS increment/decrement controls (but not with the full up/down controls)
, mouse drag of
flap handle on pedestal, or by use of FSUIPC-programmed buttons. To program flap buttons, program
buttons in FSUIPC for OFFSET BYTE SET as in throttle trim section described below, using offset
x6D11 and parameter=2 for flaps up button, and parameter=3 for flaps down button. The flap controls
will always move the handle, however the flaps will only move if hyd/elec pwr is available. Placing the
ALT FLAP switch on the overhead panel to ALT and moving the up/down select switch will override the
flap handle and move the flaps up/down, using standby hydraulics if needed."

But let me check the TM in FSX.

- Edit:

Incremental flap operation from my flight stick works if there's at least one engine running and supplying hydraulic power. TM 1.42 in FSX.
I used to fly this beauty in FS9. Have been searching for the 1.42 version mentioned in gthis thread, but can only find the 1.40 update. What am I missing here?
Also this:

"24. Implementation of alternate flap control system, and correct flap behavior based on available
hydraulic and electrical power.Changed in V1.30: Control of flaps may be performed with the
standard FS increment/decrement controls (but not with the full up/down controls), mouse drag of
flap handle on pedestal, or by use of FSUIPC-programmed buttons. To program flap buttons, program
buttons in FSUIPC for OFFSET BYTE SET as in throttle trim section described below, using offset
x6D11 and parameter=2 for flaps up button, and parameter=3 for flaps down button. The flap controls
will always move the handle, however the flaps will only move if hyd/elec pwr is available. Placing the
ALT FLAP switch on the overhead panel to ALT and moving the up/down select switch will override the
flap handle and move the flaps up/down, using standby hydraulics if needed."

But let me check the TM in FSX.

- Edit:

Incremental flap operation from my flight stick works if there's at least one engine running and supplying hydraulic power. TM 1.42 in FSX.

This is what made me wonder if I need the registered version of FSUIPC to program the stick buttons. I haven't tried the fsx version; think I'll do that. This doesn't stop me from flying this nice bird--it's just one of those little mysteries.
This is what made me wonder if I need the registered version of FSUIPC to program the stick buttons. I haven't tried the fsx version; think I'll do that. This doesn't stop me from flying this nice bird--it's just one of those little mysteries.

Take the shortcut:

I'm not using a registered FSUIPC, btw.

I used to fly this beauty in FS9. Have been searching for the 1.42 version mentioned in gthis thread, but can only find the 1.40 update. What am I missing here?

Then it's 1.40.

And again:
I downloaded and installed the Tinmouse FSX version, and v1.30 flaps behave normally with the saitek. Hmmm.

@Bjoern: Cool! I'm off to get her.