Tips, Tricks and Free Downloads to Make X-PLane great


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[h=2]Tips and Tricks[/h]
PDF manuals are included with every install of X-Plane, but did you know there are online versions as well? Only the online manuals are being updated regularly, so make sure to bookmark these pages. Then check back often for the latest explanations of improvements to the sim.

[h=2]Featured Freeware[/h]Baby, it's cold why doesn't it ever snow in X-Plane? The regular desktop sim may not include season changes, but thanks to a mod by XFlyer, we can now have winter scenery along with summer scenery! Winter_Package is a modification that started out as a personal challenge that can now be enjoyed by all X-Plane users. It is compatible with Windows and Mac installations, and the most recent update makes it easier than ever to install and use the mod.
The mod's description and screenshots promise if you stay in latitudes higher than about 40° N or S, you'll "experience a new dimension of flying. Bright blue winter days or even a situation with freezing cold, stratus clouds, low visibility and severe precipitation will feel breathtakingly immersive."
Download the Winter_Package 1.1 mod from and enjoy some winter weather both inside and outside your home.

Happy flying!
- The X-Plane Team
the only issue i had with that mod ( and it was a big one ) is that you end up with snow in LA and Cuba as well.. kind of a breaker for me..
Yeah I saw that too, but I remember in the 70s seeing snow in L.A. so I just went with it. Big Bear was always snow covered in the winter so it didn't bother me too badly. :O)
well, the way this guy does it is to exchange textures for snowy ones. I think what they'll need to do is not so much change out textures as too add overlays with wintery type shaders to create a snowy effect.. Not sure if thats possible or not, but its a thought..
Allow me too add this plugin. If you enjoy weather, you'll love this. it imports the weather data from around the world as compiled by the NOAA, and it adds a whole new dimension to flying unlike anything Active Sky or REX can deliver.. It doesnt have textures or pretties, but it handles winds and rains beautifully..