**@@**!! Tiscali Broadband


Home for tea and tiffin!
Just to say guys that my silence has been due to my connection being down for more than a week now. After three remote attempts and a technician's visit, they decided the problem's outside of my property and have called BT in to check the exchange connection to the house. They should be here tomorrow.

Buggers..pardon my language!

Ahoy Beau...ol chum.....lets wait for the new eto and then see what we can do with that little proggie.....I wont do nothing until the new eto is up..been busy too with real life and such...
good to see ya again m8:kiss:

Seems about right for Tiscali took them three months to replace my ADSL box gave up telephoning put it all in writing when I did get a new box it only ran at .8 MB More letters no response December cancelled with them still charging me MORE LETTERS. They are a right bunch of barstewards
Yes I also see that they score poorly for customer service in a lot of magazine surveys. But I'm back now, a nice BTman had to replace a card in the exchange.
My Tiscali supplied Sagem ADSL modem got a bit temperamental lately, but a kind friend lent me another until I organise a new router (another peripheral I hadn't bargained for). It's hardly a surprise, the thing was so well-used it's a wonder it could recognise an incoming bit any more. Also very kind how Tiscali charged me for a 1Mb connection and supplied a 2 Mb, recently upgraded to 6-7 Mb without a by-your-leave....
I have the "up to" 8mb service from them. In the morning I can get around 6Mb, afternoon it drops to 2Mb-ish but in the evening it plummets to a s low as 200Kb!!! Whilst I realise that all ISP's speeds drop at peak times, this is surely bad?

I have the "up to" 8mb service from them. In the morning I can get around 6Mb, afternoon it drops to 2Mb-ish but in the evening it plummets to a s low as 200Kb!!! Whilst I realise that all ISP's speeds drop at peak times, this is surely bad?


No, that's exactly why they called it "up to ...". Next time you better go for "3Mb guaranteed!" :d

It's good to have you back, Beau!!