TJ's P51 gold course test - NON PARTCIPANT


Blues is Life
Hey guys,
I am testing out the A2A Accusimmed Civil P-51 on the Western Roundup gold course. I am curious how well Duenna will play with Accusim. I also wanted to measure the wear and tear of the race on the P-51. Getting ideas for a race over at A2A. On this first leg to CYPS, it seems Duenna has some issues. I think it comes from A2A's loadout page for loading fuel/fluids...etc. Perhaps because Accusim also simulates overflow fuel being returned from the engine to the left tank goofs up Duenna's calculations.

Duenna also says I overspeed. I didn't, I was around 360kts TAS (under Vno) for most of the cruise, and a little over Vno during decent.

Has anyone flown an accusimmed aircraft for the RTW race with Duenna, and were there any issues?

Anyway here is the info for the flight. I did a complete overhaul before the flight to start with a fresh engine.


Fuel weight: 792.0 lbs (-305.0 lbs)

305*.06=0:18:18 min fuel cost

Direct distance: 167.5 nm
Flight time: 00:45:15
Baton time: 00:57:45
Average GS: 223.3 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

45:15 + 18:18 = 1:03:33
We are eager to learn about how the Duenna works with AccuSim.

As you note, the Duenna does appear to register an increase in fuel weight at the end of your descent (at 18:08:19z). You increase the fuel weight by about a pound. Monitoring the fuel weight is the way that the Duenna guards against the pilot's mid-air refueling. One can see what has happened when one examines the record -- but having to study each flight's details may be annoying when you have many legs to authenticate.

It will be good to have a workaround here.
Well here is the second leg to CYCG. Duenna played nice with Accusim this time. I'll go ahead and fly all the legs of the course, and we will see if there is some sort of consistency to the errors or not. It will be interesting to see if this will work, I would imagine the civil P-51 would make a great RTW plane.



Fuel weight: 739.0 lbs (-362.0 lbs)

362*.06=0:21:45 Fuel cost

Direct distance: 206.7 nm
Flight time: 00:51:35
Baton time: 00:53:59
Average GS: 238.5 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
Has anyone flown an accusimmed aircraft for the RTW race with Duenna, and were there any issues?

Hi TJ,

Yes... I have (well, SOH event). The A2A B377 during the Evita event here in June of '09 (yeah... aught-nine... I remember the year... Evita... MacRobertson... where SOH stacked events deep and pilots weep'd...).

Actually... both Harvey (Rosier - nick: arrvoo) flew the B377 using Accusim and I do not recall either of us having any problems. Sign-up record:
Evita Race Event Pilot Registration

I have experienced fuel errors twice that I can recall...

Once was with the FSX DG Flugzeugbau DG-808S. I dumped the water ballast prior to landing (which should be done) and got a Red Duenna for that.

The other happened during testing of the WOP3 P-47. Iirc... running out the drop tanks (zero lbs remaining) would cause a Red Duenna. I don't think it had anything to do with Accusim (again iirc). For that reason, I always switched tanks with a few lbs remaining in the A2A P-47. Does not happen with any other aircraft that I can recall testing. All others you can run tanks bone dry then switch (btw something I never, never, ever did / do RW... with any airplane or my truck :p: ).

Also... there might be an issue dropping tanks in flight... I can't recall... at any rate, something again I never, ever do (change any a/c config while in flight and Duenna running).

That's interesting Rob. If memory serves, the accusim modules on the 377 and P-47 didn't yet simulate returned fuel from the engine to the tank. On this leg to KSFF, I got the same issue as the first, appears to be on approach as being 'refueled'. I think on the first and third legs, I flew steeper approaches ie over -3000FPM dives. I'll have to continue to research this over the course.

Here is KSFF leg info


Fuel weight: 936.0 lbs (-156.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 97.8 nm
Flight time: 00:25:23
Baton time: 00:34:29
Average GS: 225.6 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
Ok, here is the trip to OR12. I paid a little more attention to my approach this time, kept it a little shallower. Duenna played nice this leg. Another thing to note, both failed Duenna trips were started from a cold start, and the successful ones were started from a warm engine, tho I don't know if that has anything to do with it.



Fuel weight: 838.0 lbs (-264.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 162.0 nm
Flight time: 00:40:44
Baton time: 00:45:31
Average GS: 242.9 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
Here is the trip to KSUN. Duenna played nice again this time, and again I was mindful of my rate of descent. I think Accusim's modeling of the fuel system really simulates fuel as a liquid, subject to G-forces. I know in the P-40, if I throw a hard negative-G maneuver, I can starve the engine of fuel. Being inverted too long will starve the engine as well. Perhaps a dive causes fuel to be returned to the tank, I don't know. I'll have to ask one of the techs over at A2A. On the next leg, I'll throw the P-51 around in some aerobatics and see what Duenna does.

Anyway, here is the KSUN data.


Fuel weight: 506.0 lbs (-239.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 141.9 nm
Flight time: 00:34:39
Baton time: 00:37:30
Average GS: 250.5 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
Here is the trip to 36U. This time I threw the old girl around a bit in the sky. Some steep dives, rolls, outside loop, tight turns. Definitely pulled some Gs as you can see from the VC's G-meter. Initially Dunenna didn't seem to care, but apparently later, it had some fueling issues. Interestingly in the error log, the refueling occurred during level flight, and during a shallow descent.



Fuel weight: 713.0 lbs (-383.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 221.6 nm
Flight time: 00:56:16
Baton time: 01:08:50
Average GS: 237.4 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
Nice pics. Watching this thread so far makes me miss flying in FSX (being the scenery in FS9 is blah...), and flying the A2A Mustang (mine's isn't Accusim though).
My hats off to you for landing that bird at some of these places (at least some of the places I've been at so far) on the Gold course.
Back at it after a few days off. Here is the trip to KSBS. Everything green this time, started from a cold airplane, no 'extreme' maneuvers and Duenna played nice this time.


Fuel weight: 760.0 lbs (-335.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 208.1 nm
Flight time: 00:48:18
Baton time: 01:04:48
Average GS: 260.1 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
Here is the trip to KBDU. I flew a pretty smooth trip, tho I did fly mostly from the right tank. The P-51's unused fuel is returned to the left tank. I am beginning to really think it is this returned fuel that is causing Duenna errors.

Anyway here is the data.


Fuel weight: 602.0 lbs (-150.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 80.1 nm
Flight time: 00:24:57
Baton time: 00:40:44
Average GS: 192.2 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
Back in the saddle to KLXV. Short trip, only used left tank, duenna played nice this time.


Here is the data for KLXV.
Fuel weight: 961.0 lbs (-135.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 70.0 nm
Flight time: 00:24:41
Baton time: 00:35:33
Average GS: 168.0 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
Short hop over to KASE, again only used left tank, no issues with Duenna.


Fuel weight: 1031.0 lbs (-71.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 25.8 nm
Flight time: 00:17:55
Baton time: 00:23:38
Average GS: 86.0 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
Back in the ponyplane for the next leg to KTEX. No issues with Duenna.


Fuel weight: 922.0 lbs (-174.0 lbs)


Direct distance: 90.5 nm
Flight time: 00:31:53
Baton time: 00:43:32
Average GS: 169.6 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
Onward to KGCN. I figured since this was a longer leg, requiring switching of fuel tanks that Duenna would have did. I think this seems to be the main issue, unburned fuel being returned to the left tank. I'll post this question to the A2A folks and see what they say.


Fuel weight: 703.0 lbs (-381.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 236.1 nm
Flight time: 00:54:16
Baton time: 00:59:18
Average GS: 262.3 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
KGCN 0:54:16 | 0:22:52 | 1:17:08
Here is the run to KLAS. Duenna played nice this time.


450.0 lbs (-244.0 lbs)
Fuel weight: 450.0 lbs (-244.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 145.4 nm
Flight time: 00:42:49
Baton time: 00:51:57
Average GS: 202.8 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
KGCN 0:54:16 | 0:22:52 | 1:17:08
KLAS 0:42:49 | 0:14:38 | 0:57:27
Hi TJ,

I added your data to the scoring page, as well as a link to the "logbook" for this run. While not scored, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to gather data for comparison with the GA planes.
Thanks Paul. It will be interesting to see how the P-51 compares. I'll fill in the log for these last few legs.

Duenna didn't like this trip. It was reasonably short and I didn't switch fuel tanks, but excess fuel still is taken from the left tank, and returned to the left tank.

Here is the data to L06. Note for the 'wear and tear' aspect of this test run, brakes starting to wear out. Just for fun, I will NOT repair it and see how it affects the rest of the trip.


Fuel weight: 943.0 lbs (-156.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 87.0 nm
Flight time: 00:28:09
Baton time: 00:31:28
Average GS: 186.5 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
KGCN 0:54:16 | 0:22:52 | 1:17:08
KLAS 0:42:49 | 0:14:38 | 0:57:27
L06 0:28:09 | 0:09:22 | 0:37:31
Here are the results to KRTS. Duenna had fuel issues on this leg. Being a longer let, I did switch fuel tanks a few times.

Both brakes are worn now, both of which I am not going to repair, will be fun getting into KSQL's short runway with shoddy brakes....this is why I love accusim :mixedsmi: LOL


Fuel weight: 689.0 lbs (-411.0 lbs

Direct distance: 238.2 nm
Flight time: 00:53:46
Baton time: 01:03:57
Average GS: 264.7 kts
Valid: not valid! (errors: 1)

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
KGCN 0:54:16 | 0:22:52 | 1:17:08
KLAS 0:42:49 | 0:14:38 | 0:57:27
L06 0:28:09 | 0:09:22 | 0:37:31
KRTS 0:53:46 | 0:24:40 | 1:18:28
Quick hop to KTVL, duenna played nice here.



Fuel weight: 1001.0 lbs (-101.0 lbs)

Direct distance: 46.4 nm
Flight time: 00:17:57
Baton time: 00:20:45
Average GS: 154.6 kts

CYPS 0:45.15 | 0:18:18 | 1:03:33
CYCG 0:51:35 | 0:21:45 | 1:13:20
KSFF 0:25:23 | 0:09:22 | 0:34:45
OR12 0:40:44 | 0:15:50 | 0:56:30
KSUN 0:34:39 | 0:14:20 | 0:57:59
36U 0:56:16 | 0:22:59 | 1:19:15
KSBS 0:48:18 | 0:20:06 | 1:08:24
KBDU 0:24:57 | 0:09:00 | 0:33:57
KLXV 0:24:41 | 0:08:06 | 0:32:47
KASE 0:17:55 | 0:04:16 | 0:21:11
KTEX 0:31:53 | 0:10:26 | 0:42:19
KGCN 0:54:16 | 0:22:52 | 1:17:08
KLAS 0:42:49 | 0:14:38 | 0:57:27
L06 0:28:09 | 0:09:22 | 0:37:31
KRTS 0:53:46 | 0:24:40 | 1:18:28
KTVL 0:17:57 | 0:06:04 | 0:24:01