TK_GB_Halifax_B2_LQR -Two Engines?


Charter Member
These tired old eyes. I notice after starting up the Four engines there is
the outline of the rotating propellers on the Two inboard engines, but no outline of the rotating propellers on the Two outboard engines.

All the other Halifaxs are correct. Did I miss a step


These tired old eyes. I notice after starting up the Four engines there is
the outline of the rotating propellers on the Two inboard engines, but no outline of the rotating propellers on the Two outboard engines.

All the other Halifaxs are correct. Did I miss a step


The one's I have are fine and these should be the same ones that were uploaded. If the idle speed is low, there is a tendency for the blurred prop not to be displayed until the rpms increase. I just fired her up and all was good. Just let me know what is going on ....
The one's I have are fine and these should be the same ones that were uploaded. If the idle speed is low, there is a tendency for the blurred prop not to be displayed until the rpms increase. I just fired her up and all was good. Just let me know what is going on ....

:wave:All mine are fine I see the same effect that NachtPiloten explained.

I have reloaded this aircraft 4 times. No success. I still get same two engines. This is minor to the enjoyment that I am having.

Second question concerns the TK folder in the download. Can I copy the contents from the folder into an existing tk folder in the main Aircraft folder.

I have reloaded this aircraft 4 times. No success. I still get same two engines. This is minor to the enjoyment that I am having.

Second question concerns the TK folder in the download. Can I copy the contents from the folder into an existing tk folder in the main Aircraft folder.

Yes, that is what you need to do.
Thank You Ted

The answer was in your email. I increased the Aircraft detail and now I have all for props and my English crew.

Thank evryone for there assistance.