
Charter Member
Hello Guys

Some of us had no access to SOH for some time, in my case it was from this early morning till about 3.30 PM (GMT+1).
We were requested for user name and password but even typing them the access was denied.
It was a problem You knew of or the site has been hacked again?

Cheers :ernae:
Cris "Astore"

Same here. It started after about midnight, my time, EDT-USA.

When I tried to access the site, I got the same message, and it wanted login name and password.

SAME HERE, I got the same scenario as cristiano103 & grizzly50 described :isadizzy::isadizzy::isadizzy:

I have just seen the notices and I already changed my password.
........knowledge for next time

Cheers :ernae:
Cris "Astore"
I haven't logged in for awhile, do I need to change my pass? It says the last time I was online was June 22nd.:kilroy:

I think only if you got the prompt to enter user name and password. The prompt was a box that popped up saying this site requires you to enter user name and password to continue. If you did and entered it your password was captured.

If you didn't then you should be OK

Does this mean they've got my name and password???

Yes, OK, it does. Changed.

Thanks, Ickie!