To all FS9 aircraft designers


Charter Member
Hello all,
I am just amazed at what people like you have created. From Mr. Shupe, to Mr. Kristensen and NC gent, your models are simply wonderful.

I recently purchased FSDS 3.5 and would like to learn how to design aircraft with virtual cockpits. My ambition is to build an Avro York and an IL-18.

I printed some tutorials available online for FSDS, particularly the one by Ron ANderson. I will try to follow these carefully and make something small and simple to start with, such as a glider.

I want to request you designers to please spend a few minutes to write a simple tutorial on VC development and flight characteristics development-- for idiots like myself.

Perhaps this is a tall order, but I believe with some good advice, I can be a fairly good addon aircraft maker and can provide some interesting models for our FS9 community to enjoy.

Hello all,
I am just amazed at what people like you have created. From Mr. Shupe, to Mr. Kristensen and NC gent, your models are simply wonderful.

I recently purchased FSDS 3.5 and would like to learn how to design aircraft with virtual cockpits. My ambition is to build an Avro York and an IL-18.

I printed some tutorials available online for FSDS, particularly the one by Ron ANderson. I will try to follow these carefully and make something small and simple to start with, such as a glider.

I want to request you designers to please spend a few minutes to write a simple tutorial on VC development and flight characteristics development-- for idiots like myself.

Perhaps this is a tall order, but I believe with some good advice, I can be a fairly good addon aircraft maker and can provide some interesting models for our FS9 community to enjoy.


I too am a recent purchaser of FSDS 3.5, and being recently retired, have the urge to make something. I made a cylinder, but it wouldnt fly...

Mr. Shupe recently hosted a seminar of sorts here at the Outhouse, but being a hard-headed, slow-learning Cajun, I need FSDS for Dummies...:help:
Any and all suggestions appreciated. Thanks

Well Gentlemen, you could start here:

Look at the Tutorials Section (See Modeling-FSDS-pay attention to Dave Eckert's tutes) and the Tutorials Forum. there are also FSDS models available there for reference, use, or parts.

DAviator also has excellent tutorials on his site.

Have fun above all else :amen: