To all lurkers, quiet members and warbirdlibrary downloaders

huub vink

Staff member
Dear all,

As already mentioned elsewhere, the flightsim community is shrinking and aging fast. Many of the members live a on a small allowance, and don't have that much to spend.
On the other side costs are rising.

The Sim-Outhouse has always been free and donations voluntary and I don't think that will change in the near future. But In the past there were many strong shoulders which carried the Outhouse and the donation run was a matter of days. The number of shoulders have been decreasing for many years already and they are often not that strong any more. The donation drive has been running for over a month now and we still didn't reach our target.Therefore we are seeking more shoulders to enable us to carry the Outhouse into the future.

Therefore I kindly request you to check your wallet or debit/creditcard and see what you can donate to keep Sim-Outhous availabe.

Thanks for your attention,
Here here, well said and nicely put Huub...:applause:

Come on folks, especially those who are in the 'back ground' who may not actively participate, there's absolutely no harm in that, but the reason why you're here is because it's a damn good site, very friendly :)violent-smiley-031: ;)), with a huge amount of free flight-sim stuff, knowledge base and on....


Thanks guys, all donations help. But its not the normal members I'm addressing. When you look at the statistics, you will see that there are many people who never leave a message, but visit the forums quite often and do their occasional download once in a while.

I'm sure many of those are not fully aware that there are also bills to pay. But I'm also sure they will miss their occasional visit and download once the Sim-Outhouse is gone.

If everyone who lurked, downloaded and posted in the forums gave just $5, the Membership Drive would be complete and the goal would be reached in a week. JMO.

RE: Just five dollars

I don't even flight-sim anymore but I still give. As stated, giving just five measly bucks,...that could be over the top in final coverage.
I agree with blackbird guy as yes if the half hundred or so people who frequent here would give just 5dollars u.s or cdn or do it would be faster...I'll see what I can do as I'm just a lurker right?

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Darren with your amount of posts I do not really consider you a "lurker". But your of course always welcome when you want to donate.
